If you are looking for DAV Class 4 SST Chapter 2 Question Answer Sensitivity Towards Others of we and our world social science book, then you are at right place.
Here at solutiongyan.com, Class 4 Social Science chapter 2 exercises provided at the end of the chapter will be a useful resource for DAV Class 4 students.
Here, we provide complete solutions of DAV Class 4 SST Chapter 2 Sensitivity Towards Others of We and Our World SST Textbook. These exercise of sst chapter 2 contains 4 questions and the answers to them are provided in the DAV Class 4 SST Chapter 2 Question Answer.

Solutions of DAV Class 4 SST chapter 2 Sensitivity Towards Others is help to boost the writing skills of the students, along with their logical reasoning. Students of class 4 can go through Social Science chapter 2 question answer to learn an effective way of expressing their solution in the dav class 4 social science exam.
DAV Class 4 SST Chapter 2 Sensitivity Towards Others Solutions
DAV Class 4 Social Science Chapter 2 Sensitivity Towards Others Solutions is given below. Here DAV Class 4 Environmental Studies chapter 2 question answer is provided with detailed explanation. i.e. Answers the following questions, Tick the correct option, Match the following, Fill in the blanks, etc.
DAV question answer of Class 4 of We and Our World Social Science Textbook is the best source for the students to self-analyse their performance.
DAV Class 4 students are more likely to score good marks in Social Science exam if they practise DAV Class 4 SST Chapter 2 Sensitivity Towards Others Question Answer regularly.
DAV Class 4 SST Chapter 2 Tick the correct option
1. ___________ plays an important role in building confidence.
Answer: Family
2. Who needs our help more?
Answer: Both
3. Where are good citizens made?
Answer: Home
4. How do children develop sensivity towards others?
Answer: Watching their parents
Class 4 SST Chapter 2 Fill in the blanks
1. In a society all of us ___________ upon one another for different reasons.
2. Most children develop kind and caring attitude by watching their ___________.
3. All children share a special ___________ with their grandparents.
4. Hearing impaired children are taught ___________ language.
5. ___________ is more important than winning.
Answer: (1) depend (2) parents (3) bond (4) sign (5) participation
DAV Class 4 SST Chapter 2 Match the following
1. Visually impaired (a) relieves stress
2. Hearing impaired. (b) bonds of love
3. Family (c) opportunities
4. Special children (d) use of touch
5. Meditation (e) sign language
Answer: (1) d (2) e (3) b (4) c (5) a
DAV Class 4 SST Chapter 2 Question Answer
1. Why is it important to help others? Explain with an example.
Answer: It is important to help others because we all depend upon one another for different reasons.
For example: We can help old people to cross the road.
2. “We develop an understanding for others in the society for a harmonious living.” Explain.
Answer: No one can grow in his/her life being alone. We all influence each other and exchange our thoughts, experiences, views and make our lives better.
3. How can you respect the feelings of the hearing and visually impaired children?
Answer: We can respect the feelings of the hearing and visually impaired children by:
- By helping and guiding them.
- Not making unkind remarks about their disabilities.
4. What is ‘sign language’?
Answer: Sign language is an organised system of gestures or mime, used in place of speech.
5. How can the special children grow into useful members of the society?
Answer: The special children can grow into useful members of the society, if they are given proper facilities, opportunity and guidance.
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Better solution ????