If you are looking for DAV Class 8 SST Chapter 8 Question Answer The Modern Period of we and our world social science book, then you are at right place. Here at SOLUTIONGYAN.Com, Class 8 SST of chapter 8 exercises provided at the end of the chapter will be a useful resource for DAV Class 8 Social Science students.
Here, we provide complete solutions of DAV Class 8 SST Chapter 8 The Modern Period of We and Our World SST Textbook. These exercise of sst chapter 8 (history) contains 4 questions and the answers to them are provided in the DAV Class 8 SST Chapter 8 Question Answer The Modern Period.
Solutions of DAV Class 8 SST chapter 8 The Modern Period of history is help to boost the writing skills of the students, along with their logical reasoning. Students of class 8 can go through Social Science chapter 8 solution to learn an effective way of expressing their solution in the dav school sst exam.
DAV Class 8 SST Chapter 8 The Modern Period Solutions
DAV Class 8 Social Science Chapter 8 The Modern Period Solutions is given below. Here DAV Class 8 SST chapter 8 question answer is provided with detailed explanation.
DAV question answer of Class 8 History of We and Our World Social Science Textbook is the best source for the students to self-analyse their performance. DAV Class 8 students are more likely to score good marks in SST exam if they practise DAV Class 8 SST Chapter 8 Question Answer The Modern Period regularly.
DAV Class 8 SST Chapter 8 Question Answer
A. Tick the correct option.
1. Modern period of Indian history began in the-
Answer: eighteenth century
2. The call ‘You give me blood; I’ll give you freedom’ was given by-
Answer: Subash Chandra Bose
3. In which language was the newspaper Kesari published?
Answer: Marathi
4. Which one of the following was a major factor in strengthening the national movement in India?
Answer: Discontentment among the masses against the colonial power.
5. The book Unhappy Indian was written by-
Answer: Lala Lajpat Rai
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. Land revenue settlements are an important source of ___________.
2. Collection of Gandhiji’s writings has been preserved and displayed at ___________.
3. The Indian National Congress was established in ___________.
4. The Revolt of 1857 was ruthlessly suppressed by ___________.
5. The ___________ reforms were introduced in 1909.
Answer: (1) information (2) Gandhi Smriti near Rajghat (3) 1885 (4) colonial power (5) Morley Minto.
C. Match the following.

Answer: (1) c (2) e (3) d (4) b (5) a.
D. Answer the following questions.
1. What type of information do we get from the official records?
Answer: The official records tell us about the condition of the people, governing body along with the various bill such as the Morley Minto reforms (1909), the simmon commission (1927), the libert bill, the arms bill, etc.
2. How do letters, writings and speeches provide information? Give examples.
Answer: Letters writings and speeches provide information about the development that take place during a particular period. We have some historical letters written by our great historical personalities like MK Gandhi, P.T Jawaharlal Nehru.
Slogan and speeches tell us about patriotic feelings to independence.
Slogan: ‘Do or Die’
Letters: Letters from a father to his daughter
3. Mention any five major events related to the freedom struggle of India.
Answer: Five major events related to the Indian struggle were as follows:
- The revolt of 1857
- The partition of Bengal (1905)
- Formation of Muslim league (1906)
- Home Rule league
- Jallianwala Bagh massacre (13th April 1919)
4. Explain any five major sources of information about Modern Indian History.
Answer: Five major sources of information about Modern Indian History are:
(i) British Documents: The British ruled over India for almost two hundred years. The records of reforms-Morley-Minto Reforms, Government of India Act, Reports of Simon Commission, etc. They tell us conditions of people as well as administration of that time.
(ii) Newspaper: London Times and vernacular papers (Bal Gangadhar Tilak’s Kesari in Marathi) are important sources of the history of modern period.
(iii) Internet or Databases: Digital South Asia Library and the British Library’s Oriental and Indian Office Collections provide us a lot of information
(iv) Books: Many books were written and printed during this period which are preserved in public private libraries. The poetry/ prose/ drama/ stories/ autobiographies/ biographies written in this duration.
(v) Old buildings and artifacts and people of that time: They tell us the tales of past. Many people who participated in the freedom struggle and saw the important changes, share their experiences which throw light on the life of the people and the conditions.
5. Enumerate the steps taken by the East India Company to establish their rule in India? How did the rule of the company come to an end?
Answer: The east India company-initiated steps like military action, introduction of railways, postal service and different acts to establish their rule in India.
The rule of the company finally ended with the advent of British crown in 1858 AD along with nationalist activities.
Sir aap kaha ke ho
Thanks sir aap ko
It is outstanding answer ????????
Bhai ap exam time me lasy logo ki bhot madad karte ho
Hats off to u
Great answers
Very good
Jhhkasssssss op answer
Thanks sir you are the best.
Nice answers sir
Great Answers
Excellent answers helps a lot.
Very good answers.
nice answer sir op
thank you soo much it helped me alottt
Very good answer help a lot
Bhai aap nhi hote to ma sst na 40 ma 15 Lata Lakin mane aapka question learn Kiya mujhe 40 ma 34 Mila thx sir
Best and outstanding answer