If you are looking for DAV Class 8 SST Chapter 5 Question Answer Agriculture of we and our world social science book, then you are at right place. Here at SOLUTIONGYAN.Com, Class 8 SST of chapter 5 (Agriculture) exercises provided at the end of the chapter will be a useful resource for DAV Class 8 Social Science students.
Here, we provide complete solutions of DAV Class 8 SST Chapter 5 Agriculture of We and Our World SST Textbook. These exercise of sst chapter 5 (Geography) contains 5 questions and the answers to them are provided in the DAV Class 8 SST Chapter 5 Question Answer Agriculture.
Solutions of DAV Class 8 SST chapter 5 Agriculture of Geography is help to boost the writing skills of the students, along with their logical reasoning. Students of class 8 can go through Social Science chapter 5 solution to learn an effective way of expressing their answer in the dav school sst exam.
DAV Class 8 SST Chapter 5 Agriculture Solutions
DAV Class 8 Social Science Chapter 5 Agriculture Solutions is given below. Here DAV Class 8 SST chapter 5 question answer is provided with detailed explanation.
- Tick the correct option
- Fill in the blanks
- Write a technical term
- Answer the following questions in brief
- Answers the following questions
DAV question answer of Class 8 Geography of We and Our World Social Science Textbook is the best source for the students to self-analyse their performance. DAV Class 8 students are more likely to score good marks in SST exam if they practise DAV Class 8 SST Chapter 5 Question Answer Agriculture regularly.
DAV Class 8 SST Chapter 5 Question Answer
A. Tick the correct option.
1. Millets are also known as-
Answer: coarse grains
2. Tea is a-
Answer: beverage crop
3. Who amongst the following are the nomadic herders of the Himalayan area?
Answer: Bhotiyas
4. Slash and burn practice of agriculture is also known as-
Answer: shifting agriculture
5. The type of commercial agriculture, which is practised on a large estate for growing of a single crop continuously for several years, is known as-
Answer: plantation agriculture
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. ___________ is grown in the mid-latitudinal and dry sub-tropical regions.
2. Cotton, ___________ and natural silk are natural fibres.
3. Coffee plant needs ___________ and ___________ climate.
4. Deltas, river valleys, coastal plains with rainfall above 100 cm are ideal for the cultivation of ___________.
5. When animals are reared along with the cultivation of land, it is known as ___________ farming.
Answer: (1) Wheat (2) jute (3) hot, humid (4) rice (5) mixed.
C. Write a technical term or an appropriate word for each of the following statements.
1. The science and art of raising crops, rearing of livestock, forestry and fishing.
Answer: Agriculture
2. A type of agricultural system in which a farmer and his family grow crop for self-sustenance.
Answer: Subsistence agriculture
3. Agriculture practised on a very large scale for crop specialisation.
Answer: Commercial agriculture
4. The commercial grazing of farm animals in temperate grasslands to obtain meat, wool, hides, skins and some dairy products.
Answer: Livestock ranching
5. People who migrate along with their animals from one place to another in search of fodder for their animals.
Answer: Nomads
D. Answer the following questions in brief.
1. When and how did agriculture start along the river valleys? What is the wider definition of agriculture now?
Answer: Agriculture started in ancient time. Earlier human beings were dependent upon food gathering, hunting and fishing for their survival. Gradually, they started growing crops along the river valleys which lead to the beginning of agriculture.
Agriculture means cultivation of land. In wider terms, agriculture is the science and art of raising crops, rearing of livestock, forestry and fishing.
2. Highlight the importance of agriculture for people around the world.
Answer: Most of the populations of the world still depends on agriculture for its livelihood. It is the backbone of our country’s economic development. Agriculture not only supplies food to the people but also creates huge market for tractors, threshers, harvesters, fertiliser, pesticides and other industrial products. It helps in providing employment, eradicating poverty, enhancing trade and earning foreign exchange. Agriculture also plays an important role in strengthening global relations by encouraging international trade of agricultural products.
3. Describe any three new techniques used in agriculture to increase the production of crops.
Answer: Three new techniques used in agriculture to increase the production of crops are:
- Farmers uses HYV (high yielding variety) seeds.
- Fertilizers are also used by farmers.
- Tissue culture is the technique that is also used to increase production.
4. What type of soil, temperature and rainfall is required for the cultivation of wheat and rice?
Answer: Type of soil, temperature and rainfall is required for the cultivation of wheat and rice are:

5. What is meant by nomadic herding? Which are the most important regions for nomadic herding?
Answer: Nomadic herding refers to the herding of animals by the nomads.
The most important regions for nomadic herding are Central and Western Asia, East and South-West Africa, Northern Eurasia and in India, Bhotiyas and Gujjars.
E. Answer the following questions.
1. What are the major differences between the farm agriculture of USA and India?
Answer: Farm agriculture of USA
- Skilled.
- High capital investment.
- Extensive use of advanced technology.
- Large farms but yield per hectare is comparatively low.
Farm agriculture of India
- Unskilled.
- Low capital investment.
- Marginal use of modern technology.
- Small land holdings but yield per hectare is high.
2. Describe any five advantages of using biotechnology for agricultural development.
Answer: Five advantages of using biotechnology for agricultural development are:
- It improves the value of existing plants.
- It improves the nutrition quality of a plant.
- It improves the production.
- It reduces diseases in plants.
- It reduced the costs on agriculture.
3. Explain any three physical factors influencing the agricultural development in an area.
Answer: Three physical factors influencing the agricultural development in an area are:
(i) Relief: Plains are more suitable for agriculture than the highlands. Density of population is generally high in plains. This helps in providing cheap labour and market for farm products. Also, it is easier to use modern equipment on plain regions.
(ii) Climate: It influences the agricultural development in an area. Each crop has its own requirement of temperature and rainfall. The variation in climatic conditions supports different crop patterns.
(iii) Soil: It influences the agricultural development. Each crop has its own requirement of soil. According to the soil type, a large variety of crops are grown in different part of the world.
4. How is subsistence agriculture different from the commercial agriculture? In your opinion, which one is more useful for India?
Answer: Subsistence agriculture:
- Farmers use low levels of technology.
- Farmers grow crops for self-sustenance.
- In this farming, small land is cultivated.
- No huge capital is needed in this farming.
- In this farming, household labour is used.
Commercial agriculture:
- Farmers use advance levels of technology
- Farmers grow crops for selling.
- In this farming, large land is cultivated.
- Huge capital is needed in this farming.
- In this farming, agricultural equipment is used.
In my opinion, commercial farming is more useful for India.
5. How do the size of land holdings, labour and capital influence the agricultural development in an area? Explain.
Answer: The size of land holdings, labour and capital influence the agricultural development in an area in this way:
(i) Size of land holdings: The size of farms affects the agricultural pattern and the yield per unit hectare. The small fields are mostly not economical.
(ii) Labour: The availability of labour has great influence on cropping pattern of a region. The labour requirement varies with different crops.
(iii) Capital: The cultivation of commercial crops using new technologies require more capital than required in the traditional way of cultivation.
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