If you are looking for DAV Class 8 SST Chapter 2 Question Answer Natural Resources Land Soil and Water of we and our world social science book, then you are at right place. Here at SOLUTIONGYAN.Com, Class 8 Social Science of chapter 2 exercises provided at the end of the chapter will be a useful resource for DAV Class 8 SST exam.
Here, we provide complete solutions of DAV Class 8 SST Chapter 2 Natural Resources Land Soil and Water of We and Our World SST Textbook. These exercise of sst chapter 2 (Geography) contains 5 questions and the answers to them are provided in the DAV Class 8 SST Chapter 2 Question Answer Natural Resources Vegetation and Wildlife.
Solutions of DAV Class 8 SST chapter 2 Natural Resources Land, Soil and Water of Geography is help to boost the writing skills of the students, along with their logical reasoning. Students of class 8 can go through Social Science chapter 2 solution to learn an effective way of expressing their answer in the dav school sst exam.
DAV Class 8 SST Chapter 2 Natural Resources Land Soil and Water Solutions
DAV Class 8 Social Science Chapter 2 Natural Resources Land Soil and Water Solutions is given below. Here DAV Class 8 SST chapter 2 question answer is provided with detailed explanation.
- Tick the correct option
- Fill in the blanks
- Write a technical term
- Answer the following questions in brief
- Answers the following questions
DAV question answer of Class 8 Geography of We and Our World Social Science Textbook is the best source for the students to self-analyse their performance. DAV Class 8 students are more likely to score good marks in SST exam if they practise DAV Class 8 SST Chapter 2 Question Answer Natural Resources Land Soil and Water regularly.
DAV Class 8 SST Chapter 2 Question Answer
A. Tick the correct option.
1. Which type of erosion leads to desertification?
Answer: soil erosion
2. Which one of the following is suitable for restoring soil fertility?
Answer: contour ploughing / rotation of crops
3. Which of the following is not in favour of multipurpose river valley projects?
Answer: large scale displacement of people
4. Maintenance of lakes and ponds is essential for-
Answer: increasing water table
5. Which factor is more responsible for the quick formation of soil in Rajasthan?
Answer: extreme difference in day and night temperature
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. Earth’s surface is divided into ___________ and ___________ zones.
2. To maintain ecological balance, ___________ % of the land should be under forest.
3. Planting of trees is commonly known as ___________.
4. The main source of fresh water is ___________.
5. Earth is known as ___________ planet due to the presence of water on it.
Answer: (1) land, water (2) 33 (3) afforestation (4) rainfall (5) blue.
C. Write a technical term or an appropriate word for each of the following statements.
1. It is formed by decomposed parts of plants and animals.
Answer: Humus
2. The original rock from which the soil is formed.
Answer: Parent rock
3. It is formed as a result of long continued weathering process of rocks.
Answer: Soil
4. A project which serves various purposes at the same time.
Answer: Multipurpose River vally project
5. The process in which the top layer of the soil is removed by the natural and human activities.
Answer: Soil erosion
D. Answer the following questions in brief.
1. Why is soil considered an important resource? Give any three reasons.
Answer: Soil is considered an important resource because:
- Soil is very important for growth of plant.
- It gives shelter to insects and animals
- Soil is used for making bricks.
2. Highlight any three causes of soil erosion.
Answer: Three causes of soil erosion are:
- Deforestation
- Mining
- Over grazing of animals.
3. Explain hydrological cycle with the help of a diagram.
Answer: The hydrological cycle includes the process of evaporation, condensation and precipitation. The heat of the Sun evaporates water resulting in the formation of water vapour. When the water vapour cools down, it condenses and form clouds. It is from clouds that the water precipitates in the form of rainfall, snow etc. The process by which water keeps on changing its form and circulates between the oceans, the atmosphere and land is known as the hydrological cycle.

4. How does river water get polluted? Explain.
Answer: River water get polluted by:
- Untreated sewage.
- Animal bath in the rivers.
- Dumping waste material into the rivers.
5. Identify any three ecological problems caused by building large dams.
Answer: Three ecological problems caused by building large dams are:
- Aquatic life gets affected.
- River water gets diverted.
- Population gets displaced.
E. Answer the following questions.
1. Explain any five factors responsible for the formation of soil.
Answer: Five factors responsible for the formation of soil are the parent rock, the topography, the climate, the vegetation cover and time.
(i) Parent rock – the original rock from which soil is formed is known as the parent rock for example the black soil is derived from the lava rock.
(ii) Topography- Topographical variations, such as mountains, plateaus and plains affect the thickness of a soil cover.
(iii) Climate – Climatic factors, like temperature and rainfall, affect the soil formation. In the areas of high rainfall and extreme temperature, rocks are easily weathered.
(iv) Vegetation cover – At times, plants grow in the cracks existing in a rock. With time, roots of these plants start penetrating in the cracks and make them wider. As a result, cracks disintegrate into smaller pieces and help in the soil formation.
(v) Time – Time gives maturity to the soil. Although, soil is a renewable resource, yet it takes thousands of years to develop a very thin layer of soil on the earth’s surface.
2. What is meant by land use pattern? Why is it important to study the land use pattern? List the factors influencing the utilisation of land.
Answer: Land is used for various purpose, such as cultivation of crops, building of houses, Construction of roads and railways, grazing of animals, etc. This is commonly known as land use pattern.
The study of land use pattern is important for economic planning of a nation. It helps assessing Shortcomings in the land utilisation.
The factors influencing the utilisation of land are climate, relief features, water bodies and soil.
3. What are Multipurpose River Valley Projects? Name any two such projects. List the main objectives of a multipurpose river valley project.
Answer: The multipurpose river valley project is a river project in which a dam is constructed across the river for storing water.
Two projects are Damodar River valley project and Hirakund Dam.
The main objectives of a multipurpose river Valley project are:
- Irrigation
- Afforestation
- flood control
- Generation of hydroelectricity
4. Suggest any five steps to conserve soil.
Answer: Soil conversation means prevention of soil from being eroded. Various methods for soil conservation are:
- Planting more and more trees
- Raising fodder crops.
- Restricting the free movement of animals in the fields.
- Checking the reckless Cutting of trees.
- Adopting Scientific agricultural practices like rotation of crops, Strip cropping etc.
5. Suggest any five methods for the conservation of water.
Answer: Five method for the conservation of water is:
- Water harvesting is one of the methods of saving surface runoff.
- The rain water can be impounded by making dams across the rivers.
- The demand of water for industries can be met by the recycled water.
- Water can be saved by adopting modern methods of irrigation.
- Water can be conserved by installing water fixtures, such as sensor taps in public places.
Sir ji Value based questions nhi hai
Sir map work or something to do wale question bhi nahi hai kab tak laoge
Batado please
Sir ji value based questions aur map skills nahi hai but answers bahut accha hai maza aa gaya
Sir answers are very useful to me and I am happy .
Thank you very much sir for your hard work????????
Ur answers are really nice ????????
But can you please also show the answers of Map skills ????????
Very nice ????
Guys kuch kaam khudh se bhi Kar Liya karo
D1 AND D2 Answers are too short and in the book it is mentioned “answer in brief”
You dont meet the expectations of DAV answers
Very useful
I must recommend its marvelous
Brief me 1 page ke answers wah !
Sir l am happy this question answer
Thank u
Very useful for us
But the answer r very much long..
Its was so helpful for me
Thank you sir for uploading this chapter on Google
A .1 answer is wrong
It is right answer sarangi sir tell us
Thankyou it is very helpful