If you are looking for DAV Class 8 SST Chapter 16 Question Answer Our Constitution of we and our world sst book, then you are at right place. Here at SOLUTIONGYAN.Com, DAV Class 8 Social Science of chapter 16 exercises provided at the end of the chapter will be a useful resource for DAV Class 8 sst exams.
Here, we provide complete solutions of DAV Class 8 SST Chapter 16 Our Constitution of We and Our World Social Science Textbook. These exercise of sst chapter 16 contains 5 questions (i.e. Answers the following questions, Fill in the blanks, Tick the correct option etc.) and the answers to them are provided in the DAV Class 8 SST Chapter 16 Question Answer Our Constitution.

Solutions of DAV Class 8 SST chapter 16 Our Constitution of civics is help to boost the writing skills of the students, along with their logical reasoning. Students of class 8 can go through Social Science chapter 16 solution to learn an effective way of expressing their answer in the school exam.
DAV Class 8 SST Chapter 16 Our Constitution Solutions
DAV Class 8 Social Science Chapter 16 Our Constitution Solutions is given below. Here DAV Class 8 SST chapter 16 question answer is provided with great explanation.
- Tick the correct option
- Fill in the blanks
- Write True or False
- Answer the following questions in brief
- Answers the following questions
DAV question answer of Class 8 civics of We and Our World Social Science Textbook is the best source for the students to self-analyse their performance. DAV Class 8 students are more likely to score good marks in Social Science exam if they practise DAV Class 8 SST Chapter 16 Question Answer Our Constitution regularly.
DAV Class 8 SST Chapter 16 Question Answer
A. Tick the correct option.
1. In a parliamentary form of government-
Answer: the executive is answerable to the Parliament.
2. The Constituent Assembly of India consisted of-
Answer: indirectly elected numbers.
3. Most of the provisions of Indian Constitution can be amended by-
Answer: special majority.
4. Freedom of religion makes India a-
Answer: Secular state
5. Which one of the following statements goes against the spirit of federalism in India?
Answer: The government at the Centre is very strong.
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. ___________ is the basic unit of society.
2. India is a vast country with various ___________, ___________ and ___________ diversities.
3. The Constitution provides a set of rules, ___________ and ___________ acceptable to almost all.
4. England is not a republic because its Head of the State is ___________.
5. India has a single ___________ judicial system.
Answer: (1) Family (2) physical, cultural, social (3) principles, laws (4) queen/king (5) integrated.
C. Write True or False for the following statements.
1. Mohan is a Gujarati but lives in Himachal Pradesh and has a dual citizenship.
2. The President of India has the power to remove any judge of the Supreme Court.
3. There were 15 female members in the Constituent Assembly of India.
4. A Constitution is called rigid or flexible on the basis of the procedure for its amendments.
5. India is a sovereign and socialist state but not secular.
Answer: (1) False (2) False (3) True (4) True (5) False.
D. Answer the following questions in brief.
1. Cite three examples to prove that Indian Constitution is quite dynamic.
Answer: Abolition of Privy Purse, Nationalisation of banks and Reservation for OBC’s are the three examples which prove that Indian Constitution is dynamic.
2. Identify any three provisions which make the Constitution of India rigid as well as flexible.
Answer: The three provisions which make the Constitution of India rigid as well as flexible are:
- Our constitution is stable and is a guarantee against hasty changes.
- It is a sacred document, that is, a framework for democratic governance.
- But apart of this rigidity our constitution can also be amended if required.
3. “India has a parliamentary form of government.” Give any three examples to support this statement.
Answer: India has a parliamentary form of government because:
- There is a close relationship between the legislature and the executive.
- The Council of Ministers is constituted from amongst the members of the legislature.
- The head of the state is president, which is a nominal head and prime minister is real head.
4. Why is Indian federation called quite unique? Explain.
Answer: Indian federation is called quite unique because the best features of many existing constitutions of the world were modified and adapted to our needs and conditions. Thus, the Constitution of India is a combination of many good points of several constitutions.
5. Explain the procedures of amending the Indian Constitution.
Answer: There are three procedures of amending the Indian Constitution.
By Simple Majority: Certain provisions can easily be changed by passing the Amendment Bill by simple majority.
By Special Majority: The Amendment Bill shall have to be approved by both the Houses of the Parliament.
Special Majority and Ratification: After the bill is passed by Special Majority in both the Houses of the Parliament, it may be approved by the legislatures of at least half of the total number of states.
E. Answer the following questions.
1. Describe the composition and contribution of the Constituent Assembly of India.
Answer: The constituent Assembly was composed of many members representing different religion. The Assembly included eminent personalities like Jawaharlal Nehru, Dr. Rajendra Prasad, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, etc. There were 15 female members also in the Constituent Assembly.
There are many contributions of Constituent Assembly like commitment to democracy and guarantee of justice, equality and freedom to all the people. The makers of the Constitution were also very much concerned about feeding the starved, clothing the naked and ending the exploitation of backward people.
2. Describe any five salient features of the Indian Constitution.
Answer: The five salient features of the Indian Constitution are as follows:
- Our Constitution is a combination of good features of several constitutions.
- Indian Constitution that has been incorporated to achieve our national goals given in the Preamble.
- They also tried to adopt the best features of the Constitutions of England, USA, Canada, Ireland, etc.
- The needs and aspirations of the people have also been translated into ideals and rules in the Constitution.
- The founding fathers of the Indian Constitution tried to incorporate the principles cherished by the leaders of the freedom struggle.
3. Mention any five purposes which the Constitution of India serves towards strengthening democracy.
Answer: The Constitution of India is a multipurpose document which serves many purposes to cater our needs, requirements and future aspirations. The five purposes are:
- Defines the nature of a country’s political system.
- Guarantees certain rights based on equality to establish social, political and economic justice.
- Ensures that minority groups are not deprived of the benefits available to the majority group.
- Ensures that the majority group does not dominate the minorities.
- Guards our national interests.
4. India is a soverign, socialist, secular, democratic republic. Explain.
Answer: Explanation:
Sovereign- India is free to take decisions regarding internal and external Affairs.
Socialist- Everyone will be treated equally without any discrimination of Colour, caste, religion, rich or poor with the aim to end any type of exploitation.
Secular- India has no religion of its own and everyone is free to follow and propagate any religion it likes.
Democratic- The government is elected by the people and the supreme power is vested in the hands of people.
Republic- The head of the state is elected by the people and the post is not hereditary.
5. Why do some people say that India is a federation with unitary features? Explain with the help of any five Constitutional provisions.
Answer: Five Constitutional provisions are:
- A powerful Central government.
- Single Citizenship
- Integrated Judicial system with the supreme Court at the top and state high Court below it.
- Single Constitution is followed in India and no Such power is Given to the states to frame their own Constitution.
- Division of power between Center and states but parliament has Full Control over the union list which has more subjects and important ones as well as residuary powers vests with the center.
Great sir thanku sir for the question answer
Thank sir
very helpful sir????
Answer is accurate as well as satisfying
Thanks sir but E type question answers are very long but no problem I will manage????????????
Helpful thanks ????
Very much helpful thank you ????
Thanks for the answer
Thanks Sir for the answer
Verry nice and thank you.
so well !!!
Thank you it’s very helpful ☺️
very good. keep going you are helping us to score mask.
It really help me
very nice it also satisfies the teachers as well i wrote this answers and got 20 out of
20. thanks a lot sir!
Nice answer always
Thank you for sharing us the answer
Thnxxx sir????
Very helpful sir so much thanks to you ????????????????????
thank you sir….- the answer is accurate
So much thanks to you sir
I scored 98%in this session in dav
With the help of these answers
Once i am saying you thanks sir
Thank you sir its so useful for me
Very much thank you for providing us ????
Solution Gyan jinda bad
Very thank you sir for your Q/A . It was really helpful to all students thanks you so much ????????????????????????????????????????????????
Excellent answers but E no is too long. When I am learning the answers I am forgetting the answers a bit.
Thanku sir for your questions and answers. It is helpful for all students
Thanku sirr.