DAV Class 3 Science Chapter 3 Question Answer Leaf are prepared by Science subject experts. With the help of these solutions for Class 3 Science My Living World Book, you can easily grasp basic concepts better and faster.
Here at SOLUTIONGYAN, chapter 3 Leaf of class 3 Science book exercise provided at the end of the chapter will be a useful resource for DAV Class 3 students.
Here, we provide complete solutions of DAV Class 3 Science Chapter 3 Leaf of My Living World Textbook. These exercise of chapter 3 contains 5 questions and the answers to them are provided in the DAV Class 3 Science Chapter 3 Question Answer.
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DAV Class 3 Science Chapter 3 Leaf Solutions
DAV Class 3 Science Chapter 3 Leaf Solutions is given below. Here DAV Class 3 Science chapter 3 question answer is provided with detailed explanation.
- Fill in the blanks
- Write True or False
- Tick the correct option
- Answer the following questions in brief
- Answer the following questions
DAV Class 3 students are more likely to score good marks in Science exam if they practise DAV Class 3 Science Chapter 3 Question Answer regularly.
DAV Class 3 Science Chapter 3 Question Answer
A. Fill in the blanks.
1. ___________ is the common, green part of the plant.
2. Leaves of different plants differ in their shape, size and ___________.
3. Neem and ___________ leaves are often used for medicinal purposes.
4. The leaves of spinach and methi are used as ___________.
Answer: (1) Leaf (2) texture (3) Tulsi (4) vegetables
B. Write True or False for the following statements.
1. Neem leaf is often used to protect clothes from insects.
2. Leaves of plant help them to make their own food.
3. Curry leaves are used to garnish food.
4. New leaves take place of old leaves.
Answer: (1) True (2) True (3) True (4) True
C. Tick the correct option.
1. The leaf of this plant is used as a plate.
Answer: banana
2. These should be used to make compost.
Answer: fallen leaves
3. This leaf is often used to add aroma to the food-
Answer: coriander
D. Answer the following questions in brief.
1. What does a leaf do for the plant?
Answer: Leaf plays a key role in making food for the plant.
2. To what use were some leaves put by saints in olden days?
Answer: Some leaves put by saints in olden days to write on them.
3. State two uses of leaves in our food.
Answer: Two uses of leaves in our food are:
- Leaves of some plants are also used as vegetables in our food.
- Leaves of some plants are used to make food look nice and attractive.
4. Name any two articles where one can find leaf designs.
Answer: Curtains and Sarees
5. How is compost useful for plants and crops?
Answer: It helps the plants and crops to grow better.
E. Answer the following questions.
1. State any three uses of leaves.
Answer: Three uses of leaves are:
- Leaves are used for medicinal purposes.
- Some leaves are used for garnishing food items.
- Leaves are also used as vegetables in our food.
2. Why do plants shed their leaves?
Answer: Plants shed their leaves:
- To reduce the water loss.
- Olds leaves are not able to perform their function well.
- To throw out the harmful wastes that get collected in its old leaves.
3. How can compost be made?
Answer: For making compost we should collect and dump the fallen leaves, along with our kitchen waste, in a pit and covered with moist soil. After two to three months, it becomes compost.
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