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DAV Class 3 SST Chapter 6 Question Answer Learning About Works

If you are looking for DAV Class 3 SST Chapter 6 Question Answer Learning About Works of we and our world social science book, then you are at right place.

Here at, Class 3 Social Science chapter 6 exercises provided at the end of the chapter will be a useful resource for DAV Class 3 students.

Here, we provide complete solutions of DAV Class 3 Environmental Studies Chapter 6 Learning About Works of We and Our World SST Textbook.

These exercise of sst chapter 6 contains 19 questions and the answers to them are provided in the DAV Class 3 SST Chapter 6 Question Answer.

DAV Class 3 SST Chapter 6 Learning About Works Solutions

DAV Class 3 Social Science Chapter 6 Learning About Works Solutions is given below. Here DAV Class 3 Environmental Studies chapter 6 question answer is provided with detailed explanation. i.e. Tick the correct option, fill in the blanks, and match the following, Answers the following questions.

Solutions of DAV Class 3 SST chapter 6 Learning About Works is helping to boost the writing skills of the students, along with their logical reasoning.

DAV Class 3 SST Chapter 6 Question Answer Learning About Works
DAV Class 3 SST Chapter 6 Learning About Works

Students of class 3 can go through Social Science chapter 6 question answer to learn an effective way of expressing their solution in the DAV class 3 social science (Environmental Studies) exam.

1. The occupation that requires special training-

Answer: Scientist

2. The cities with a metro facility in India are-

Answer: Delhi & Kolkata

3. The person who repairs leaking taps is a-

Answer: Plumber

4. The main occupation of people living in villages is-

Answer: Farming

1. The memory of lullaby stays with the ___________ forever!

2. Children learn everything very ___________.

3. A farmer’s child watches his father and learns to sow the ___________.

4. Any work done to earn money is called an ___________.

5. An engineer makes ___________ bridges, buildings, etc.

Answer: (1) child (2) quickly (3) seeds (4) occupation (5) machines

1. Doctor          (a) machine

2. Engineer      (b) medicine

3. Pilot             (c) needle

4. Potter          (d) clay

5. Tailor           (e) aeroplane

Answer: (1) b, (2) a, (3) e, (4) d, (5) c

1. What is an occupation?

Answer: Any work done to earn money is called an occupation.

2. Name four occupations that require formal training.

Answer: Four occupations that require formal training are:-

  • Doctor
  • Teacher
  • Lawyer
  • Pilot

3. Name two household chores that you learnt from your mother or father.

Answer: Two household chores that I learnt from my mother are:-

  • watering the plants.
  • laying the table.

4. Why is it important to respect all occupations?

Answer: It is important to respect all occupations because all occupations are necessary in society.

5. What lesson do you learn from Mr. Sreedharan and his team?

Answer: We learnt the value of honesty, punctuality and discipline from Mr. Sreedharan and his team.

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