If you are looking for DAV Class 3 SST Chapter 5 Question Answer The Early Man of we and our world social science book, then you are at right place.
Here at solutiongyan.com, Class 3 Social Science chapter 5 exercises provided at the end of the chapter will be a useful resource for DAV Class 3 students.
Here, we provide complete solutions of DAV Class 3 Environmental Studies Chapter 5 The Early Man of We and Our World SST Textbook.
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These exercise of sst chapter 5 contains 9 questions and the answers to them are provided in the DAV Class 3 SST Chapter 5 Question Answer.
DAV Class 3 SST Chapter 5 The Early Man Solutions
DAV Class 3 Social Science Chapter 5 The Early Man Solutions is given below. Here DAV Class 3 Environmental Studies chapter 5 question answer is provided with detailed explanation. i.e. Tick the correct option, Fill in the blanks, and Match the following, Answers the following questions.
Solutions of DAV Class 3 SST chapter 5 The Early Man is helping to boost the writing skills of the students, along with their logical reasoning.

Students of class 3 can go through Social Science chapter 5 question answer to learn an effective way of expressing their solution in the DAV class 3 social science (Environmental Studies) exam.
DAV Class 3 SST Chapter 5 Tick the correct option
1. The biggest discovery of early man was-
Answer: Fire
2. The life of early man changed when he started growing-
Answer: Grains
3. The early settlements were made close to-
Answer: Rivers
4. What did early man start making after settled life began?
Answer: Baskets & Pots
DAV Class 3 SST Chapter 5 Fill in the blanks
1. Early man did not have any idea about ___________.
2. The ancient man ate his food raw before the discovery of ___________.
3. Early man used ___________ for hunting, fishing and digging.
4. The farming and ___________ life changed the type of occupations.
5. The hunter and food gatherer became a food ___________.
Answer: (1) time (2) fire (3) stones (4) settled (5) producer
DAV Class 3 SST Chapter 5 Match the following
1. Discovery of fire (a) early man
2. Caves (b) food producer
3. Settled life (c) rivers
4. Early settlements (d) spear
5. Most useful tool (e) cooked food
Answer: (1) e, (2) a, (3) b, (4) c, (5) d
DAV Class 3 SST Chapter 5 Questions Answer
1. Why did early man move from place to place?
Answer: The early man moved from place to place in search of food and water.
2. List three changes that occurred in the life of the early man when he became a food producer.
Answer: The three changes were:-
- They started leading a settled life.
- They changed shelter from caves to huts.
- They started making pots and better tools.
3. Why were early settlements made close to rivers?
Answer: The early settlements were made close to rivers because rivers fulfilled the needs of:-
- drinking
- irrigation
- transportation
4. Which new activities did the early man take up when he started leading a settled life?
Answer: The new activities were:-
- They made better tools.
- They made baskets of reeds and clay pots.
5. In which ways did the discovery of fire help the early man?
Answer: The discovery of fire helped the early man in following ways:-
- They started cooking his food.
- The fire gave him warmth, save him from cold and wild animals.