DAV Solutions for Class 6 English contains answers for each and every question of the textbook English Literature answered in detail. Also, you will find solutions to the English Practice Book. Since there are total 11 chapters in DAV Class 6 English Textbook, Class 6 English DAV Solutions is the best study material to read.
Our team of English subject have carefully crafted the solutions to provide students the perfect way to frame solutions to the complex questions in the examinations. The first step towards achieving excellence in exams is to have a firm grip on the topics. To assist you with the same, we are here to offer you the most comprehensive and reliable DAV Solutions for Class 6 English.

If you are looking for more solution of DAV Public School book of English Literature of any classes then you can freely visit or check our site solutiongyan.com. We regularly update our site with new content every day. So, you can check it regularly for latest content.
DAV Class 6 English Chapter wise Solutions
Here are the links to the Chapter wise DAV Class 6 English Solutions of English Literature and English Practice Textbook.
- Chapter 1 How Daddy Decided What He Wanted to Be
- Chapter 2 The White Elephant.
- Chapter 3 Leisure
- Chapter 4 My Experiments with Truth
- Chapter 5 Today and Tomorrow
- Chapter 6 The Helpful Young Man
- Chapter 7 Bharat Desh
- Chapter 8 Hanuman and I
- Chapter 9 Our Tree
- Chapter 10 Attila
- Chapter 11 The Case of Copied Question Papers
The DAV Solutions for Class 6 English Literature can be learnt easily using the chapter wise and exercise wise solutions present at SOLUTIONGYAN. The textbook is also helpful to provide the students with a strong foundation on very important topics and succeed in the school exam. English is a known language and it is necessary to create a good hold on it from primary classes. The Class 6 English Literature helps students to understand the basic conception of the subject. The experienced academicians formulate the solutions to provide the students a complete grasp of the DAV Class 6 English Textbook.
DAV Solutions Class 6 English
DAV Solutions Class 6 English Literature at solutiongyan are the most best source of reference material for the students under the DAV School. These solutions improve the grammatical skills among the students which is important in English. The solutions contain answers to all the questions from the prescribed DAV Textbook. By using these solutions while answering the textbook questions, students not only analyse their areas of weakness but also understand the type of questions that would appear in the school exam.
Frequently Asked Questions on DAV Solutions for Class 6 English
Does solutiongyan website provide free DAV Class 6 English Solutions?
Yes, solutiongyan website provide free DAV Class 6 English Solutions.
Which book is best for DAV Class 6 English?
The most esteemed book for the DAV Class 6 English is DAV Textbook. These books strictly follow the DAV curriculum.
How many Chapters are there in English Textbook of DAV Class 6?
There are total 11 Chapters in English Literature Textbook of DAV Class 6.
Please book Pg 2
Please make practice book solution
I support this!
they will not make it because this is free of cost
My english reader solution
Thanks a lot all works completed
Please ???? tell the solution of subject verb agreement (Concord) chapter 4 of practice book ????????
Plz make My Reader Book solution