DAV Class 7 SST Chapter 7 Human Environment Solutions explores the exercises, given in the textbook “We and Our World Book”. These DAV Solutions of the exercises provided at the end of the chapter will be a useful resource for Class 7 dav school exams. Here at solutiongyan, we provide complete solutions of DAV class 7 Social Science Geography We and Our World Book.
The exercise contains 5 questions and the answers to them are provided in the DAV Class 7 SST Chapter 7 “Human Environment” Solutions. Question Answer of DAV Class 7 Social Science help to boost the writing skills of the students, along with their logical reasoning. Students can go through these solutions to learn an effective way of expressing their answers in the exam.

DAV Class 7 Geography Chapter 7 Human Environment Solutions
DAV Class 7 Social Science Book question answer Chapter 7 Human Environment is given below. Here DAV Class 7 SST chapter 7 Question Answer is provided with great explanation.
- Tick the correct option
- Fill in the blanks
- True or False
- Answer the following questions in brief
- Answer the following questions
A. Tick the correct option.
1. Which one of the following represents human environment?
Answer: city
2. The uneven terrain of highland areas results in-
Answer: dispersed settlement
3. Transportation is helpful for the-
Answer: industrialisation of a place.
4. The floating towns are-
Answer: large mechanised ships.
5. HBJ pipelines is used for the transportation of-
Answer: natural gas
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. Road transport is used for ___________ distances.
2. ___________ are commonly used for transportation of liquid materials.
3. Metro is available in large cities like ___________ and ___________.
4. Nomads are completely dependent on the ___________ to satisfy their basic needs.
5. ___________ provide communication services even to the remote areas of the country.
Answer: (1) shorter (2) Pipelines (3) Delhi, Kolkata (4) environment (5) Satellite
C. Write True or False for the following statements.
1. Pipelines are the most important means for transporting solid goods.
2. Metro rails are the fastest and the most comfortable means of transport in metropolitan cities.
3. Waterways are the cheapest mode of transport.
4. In ancient times, cultivation was common in the hilly areas only.
5. Plains are the least favourable location for the establishment of compact settlements.
Answer: (1) False (2) True (3) True (4) False (5) False
D. Answer the following questions in brief.
1. What are wet point settlements?
Answer: The settlements which grew in river valleys or around a source of water is known as wet point settlements.
2. Explain the term ‘transportation’. Name the various means of transportation.
Answer: Transportation is the act of moving people or goods from one place to another. The various means of transportation are Railways, Roadways, Waterways, Airways and Pipelines.
3. What is the importance of means of communication?
Answer: Communication networks have become very important for exchanging knowledge and ideas which, in turn, contribute to the economic development. It also helps in developing social relationship and unity.
4. Give two advantages of electrification of railways.
Answer: Two advantages of electrification of railways are:
- The electrification of railways has resulted in reduced pollution.
- It has helped in carrying larger number of passengers from one place to another.
5. Mention two advantages of waterways over airways.
Answer: Two advantages of waterways over airways are:
- It is the cheapest mode of transportation for heavy and bulky goods.
- They can transport hundreds of passengers and vast amount of goods from one country to another.
E. Answer the following questions.
1. What are the various factors responsible for permanent settlements?
Answer: The various factors responsible for permanent settlements are:
Availability of water: If we go through the history, most of the civilisations developed near river, valleys, e.g., the Indus Valley Civilisation. Even today, water is an important resource for the growth of villages and towns. In desert areas as well, the houses are clustered around the source of water.
Relief features: They play an important role in the development of a settlement. Plains are favourable locations for the establishment of settlements. It is easy to have a good transport network here which makes it possible for the people to move easily from one place to another.
Special sites: Some sites are chosen for the settlements because of their natural beauty. These are called tourism-based towns. They provide employment to many people. In India, Srinagar, Goa, Shimla, Nainital, Ooty, etc., are some of such sites.
2. What are the various advantages of roadways over other means of transport?
Answer: The various advantages of roadways over other means of transport are:
- It is used for the movement of passengers and goods for shorter distances.
- Roadways is the swift and efficient means of transportation which provides door to door services.
- Roads help in the transportation of perishable items, like fruits and vegetables, to distant markets with a speedy movement.
- Construction and maintenance of roads is cheaper as compared to other means of transport.
- In hilly areas, road transport plays a very important role, as other means of transport are either not possible or are very expensive.
3. Explain how transportation and communication help in the economic development of a country.
Answer: The role of transport is of utmost importance for the economic development of a country. The pace of development depends upon the level of infrastructural and transport facilities. We know that transport system connects cities and towns with one another. It can help the people to send the surplus production to different markets and in return help the country in its economic growth.
Communication means exchange of ideas and views from one person to another. Communication networks have become very important for exchanging knowledge and ideas which, in turn, contribute to the economic development. In this way transportation and communication help in the economic development of a country.
4. What was the impact of the discovery of fire, wheel and iron on human civilisations?
Answer: The life of human beings completely changed with the discoveries of fire, wheel and iron. These discoveries proved to a milestone in the development of civilisations. The tools became more sophisticated and farmers started cultivating crops near the river banks. With the passage of time, human beings learnt new ways of farming. Now, they started living a settled life as crops required constant care throughout the cropping period. They were not required to wander in search of food and could afford to settle down at one place. Hence, building of permanent shelters, domestication of animals and use of clothes made of fibre became a part of human life.
5. How has the computer technology revolutionised the process of communication?
Answer: Computer is yet another great invention by the man. It has revolutionised the process of communication through e-mail, internet, CDs, pen drive, laptop, palmtop, etc. We can get any information about the entire world while sitting at home and using computers.
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