DAV Class 7 SST Chapter 16 Emergence of Independent States Solutions explores the solutions to the exercises, given in the textbook “We and Our World Book”. These DAV Solutions of the exercises provided at the end of the chapter will be a useful resource for Class 7 dav school exams. Here at solutiongyan, we provide complete solutions of DAV class 7 Social Science History We and Our World Book.
DAV Class 7 SST Chapter 16 Emergence of Independent States Solutions: The exercise contains 5 questions and the answers to them are provided in the DAV Class 7 SST Chapter 16 “Emergence of Independent States” Solutions. Solutions of DAV Class 7 Social Science help to boost the writing skills of the students, along with their logical reasoning. Students can go through these solutions to learn an effective way of expressing their answers in the exam.
DAV Class 7 History Chapter 16 Emergence of Independent States Solutions
DAV Class 7 Social Science Book question answer Chapter 16 Emergence of Independent States is given below. Here DAV Class 7 SST chapter 16 Question Answer is provided with great explanation.
- Tick the correct option
- Fill in the blanks
- Match the following
- Answer the following questions in brief
- Answer the following questions
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A. Tick the correct option.
1. ‘Sikhism’ owes its origin to the teachings of-
Answer: Guru Nanak
2. Who took over the title of Chhatrapati’?
Answer: Shivaji
3. The Sikhs revolted against the Mughals under the leadership of-
Answer: Banda Bahadur
4. Which Nawab of Awadh was appointed the Wazir of the Mughal empire?
Answer: Safdarjung
5. Tipu Sultan did not send his ambassadors to one of these countries to seek help against the British.
Answer: Spain
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. Sawai Jai Singh was the king of ___________.
2. During the rule of Chikka Krishna Raj, the real power was in the hands of ___________.
3. Shivaji also collected taxes, such as ___________ and ___________ from areas not under his direct control.
4. ___________ emerged as the lingua franca of high class.
5. ___________ laid the foundation of the Kingdom of Awadh.
Answer: (1) Amber (2) Wodeyar brothers (3) chauth, sardeshmukhi (4) Urdu (5) Saadat Khan
C. Match the following:

Answer: (1) d, (2) e, (3) a, (4) c, (5) b
D. Answer the following questions in brief.
1. State two factors responsible for the rise of independent states in India.
Answer: The two factors responsible for the rise of independent states in India were:
- The wars of succession had become a tradition among the Mughals. This deteriorated the political and the financial condition of the empire.
- The emperors after Aurangzeb were unable to arrest the gradual shifting of political and economic authority into the hands of provincial governors.
2. Name the states that openly asserted their independence from the Mughal empire.
Answer: Awadh, Bengal and Hyderabad.
3. Name the two main taxes levied by the Marathas.
Answer: Chauth and Sardeshmukhi.
4. Explain guerilla warfare of Marathas.
Answer: Shivaji’s army was well-known for Guerilla warfare which suited the mountainous region. A small band of soldiers making surprise attacks on the enemy force and then run away to safety.
5. State the condition of Indian society in the eighteenth century.
Answer: India of eighteenth century lacked social unity due to feudal divisions and economic disparity. The condition of the women was not good. The backwardness of agriculture and industry at the hands of foreign companies destroyed the internal and the external trade. Culture, architecture, painting, music and literature also suffered. The Hindus received primary education at the temples and the Muslims at the mosques.
E. Answer the following questions.
1. How did the three Nawabs of Bengal encourage trade?
Answer: All the three nawabs of Bengal Murshid Quli Khan, Shuja-ud-din and Alivardi Khan realised the importance of trade and thus, provided all facilities to the local and foreign merchants. They built roads, thanas, etc. They even forced the officials of the East India Company to obey the laws of the land and pay the same customs duty as was paid by local merchants.
2. Why did Banda Bahadur fail to strengthen the Sikh power?
Answer: After the Institution of Guruship come to an end, the leadership of Sikhs passed on to his trusted disciple Banda Bahadur, He tried to unite the peasants and the lower castes and wage an equal war against the Mughal army for eight years. He was defeated and tortured to death. He failed because the Mughals were still strong. The upper castes in Punjab were against him and as such they joined Banda’s opponents. Moreover, he failed to mobilise all anti-Mughal forces because of intolerant and narrow-minded attitude.
3. What were the main features of the Maratha administration?
Answer: The main features of the Maratha administration are given below:
- There was an efficient team of officers to ran the administration under the Maratha king.
- The main source of the state income was taxes like chauth and sardeshmukhi.
- Chauth was one fourth of the land revenue. It was collected in return of the protection provided to the territories which were not under the direct control of the king.
- Sardeshmukhi was an additional tax of ten per cent which Shivaji demanded as he was the Chief (Head) of Maharashtra.
- There were 280 forts in Shivaji’s possession. A Havaldar controlled each fort and the surrounding territory.
- The army was also divided into different grades. Shivaji’s army was well-known for Guerilla Warfare which suited the mountainous region.
4. Mention the steps taken by Tipu Sultan to challenge the authority of British.
Answer: Tipu Sultan was a staunch enemy of the British and kept opposing them till his death. He sent his ambassadors to France, Turkey, Iran and Arab states to seek help against the British. He tried to modernise his naval power to strengthen his power and to develop external trade.
5. Explain the achievements of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
Answer: Maharaja Ranjit Singh was a born leader, a brave soldier and an able administrator. He captured Lahore and Amritsar. He brought all the Sikh chiefs under his control and established his kingdom in Punjab. He also conquered Kashmir, Peshawar and Multan. Ranjit Singh used the political power for the benefit of all the communities, as he was tolerant towards other religions.
Something to do there should be
The answers are too big try to make it shot…
Ouestions answers are amazing
Thanks for answers
Answer must be short It must be of minimum (2-3 lines) and maximum (4-5 lines). But the answer is correct …very helpful to write the ans…. Thank you for help solutiogyan
Sir D ka 2 me Sikhs,the Marathas and the Rajput ho sakta hai. Sir please reply.
The answer is too much long please do it sir
But, the answer is must be correct
Sir please correct the answer of D.2. Awadh, Bengal and Hyderabad were semi – independent states.
The correct answer will be Sikhs, Marathas and Rajputs.
The answer of D2 is not correct please try to give correct answer ????