DAV Class 6 English Chapter 11 The Case of Copied Question Papers
We are here to provide you with the most accurate Dav Class 6 English Literature Book Solutions Chapter 11 The Case of Copied Question Papers with answers to all the questions of the English Literature textbook Class 6. These DAV Class 6 English Chapter Chapter 11 The Case of Copied Question Papers Solutions have been crafted by our subject experts, keeping in mind the standards set forth by the DAV Public School.
To understand Chapter 11 The Case of Copied Question Papers in a better way, students can refer to the DAV Class 6 English Literature Book Solutions while answering the textbook problems.
Dav Class 6 English Literature Book Solutions Chapter 11 The Case of Copied Question Papers
DAV Class 6 English Chapter 11 The Case of Copied Question Papers Question Answer is given below. Here DAV Class 6 English Literature Chapter 11 Question Answer is provided with great explanation.

Understanding the Play
A. Answer the following questions in brief:
1. Why was Soames upset?
Answer: The Soames was upset because someone had copied the question papers.
2. How did Soames conclude that the papers had been tampered with by someone?
Answer: The Soames conclude that the papers had been tampered with by someone as he kept all the three papers together on the table but when he came back, he found one of them was lying on the floor. One was on the side table near the window and the third was where he kept it.
3. Why did Holmes ask all the three students to give him a pencil?
Answer: Holmes found some pencil shreds in Mr. Soames room. He asks all the three students to give him a pencil to know whose pencil shreds were they and who is culprit.
4. How did Bannister help Gilchrist? Why did he do so?
Answer: Bannister pretended to faint and sat down at the corner chair to hide Gilchrist gloves. He helped Gilchrist because he was butler at their house before working at Soames house.
5. Why did Gilchrist decide to skip the examination?
Answer: When Bannister made him understand that what he did was wrong. He changed his mind and decided to skip the examination.
B. Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow:
1. ‘We have had a very painful incident at the college.’
(a) Identify the speaker. Whom is he speaking to?
Answer: Soames is the speaker. He is speaking to Mr. Holmes.
(b) What is the painful incident?
Answer: The painful incident is that someone has copied the question papers.
(c) What does the speaker want from the listener?
Answer: The speaker wants from the listener that the listener helps him to find the culprit.
2. ‘I think he wrote very fast and broke his pencil and had to sharpen it again.’
(a) Whom does ‘he’ refer to in the above line?
Answer: He refer to the Gilchrist in the above line.
(b) On what basis does the speaker draw the above conclusion?
Answer: He draw the above conclusion on the basis of pencil shreds which was found on the table.
(c) How does this conclusion lead to the solution of the mystery?
Answer: The pencil shreds help the speaker to find the culprit. By this way the conclusion lead to the solution of the mystery.
3. ‘Why did you commit such an action?’
(a) Who is the speaker? Whom is he speaking to?
Answer: Holmes is the speaker. He is speaking to Gilchrist.
(b) What action has the listener committed? Why?
Answer: Listener copied the question papers of examination for Scholarship.
(c) How does he mend his action?
Answer: He mend his action by deciding not to take the paper.
Why couldn’t Soames solve the mystery behind the copied question papers while Holmes could do it in a short time?
Answer: Soames was a teacher who was specialised in academics and couldn’t think about solving the mystery as a detective. Whereas Holmes was a professional detective, specialised in solving mysteries and crime cases. Therefore, it took short time for solving the mystery by Holmes.
Life Skills
A. You have found a pen drive of one of your teachers. It has the question papers for the coming exams. What will you do in such a situation?
Answer: In such a situation, the best thing to do will be to hand over the pen drive to the concerned teacher. If we cheat, we can fetch good marks but that will not make as knowledgeable. Our main motto should be to gain knowledge and become a good human being and not just securing numbers.
B. ‘All children can be made to see through their mistakes by speaking to them. Discuss with your partner.
Answer: Children lack experience and can commit mistakes. But if elders speak to them patiently, instead of scolding them and make them realise that what they have done is wrong, they will surely understand and choose the right path by mending their ways and will never repeat the mistakes.
Was it right to set Gilchrist free at the end? Should he have been punished or not?
Answer: Yes, it was right to set Gilchrist free at the end.
A punishment is given to the person to make him/her realise the mistake. Here, Gilchrist had already realised his mistake when Bannister made him understand and he had decided not to take the scholarship examination. So, there was no point in punishing him.
Writing Skills
A. Imagine yourself to be Gilchrist. Write a letter to the Education Officer informing him about your decision of not taking the scholarship paper.
University Hostel
January 8, 2022
Education Officer
ABC University
Subject: Withdrawal from the Scholarship paper
It is to inform you that in a weak moment, I committed the crime of tampering with the scholarship examination question paper. But soon realised my mistake.
Therefore, I have decided that I am not going to take the scholarship paper. I request you to allow me to do so, I shall ever be grateful.
Thanking You
Yours sincerely
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It is very usefull web site
good information given by these solutions
It is really very helpful….Thank you
for your suggestion solution Gyan…. ????????????????
Good website for students
Where is the Question no. B of Writing Skills.
I want maths
10q sir these answers r very useful 4 us .
I want abhyash sagar
Bilkul sahi kah rahe ho
Thanks solution gyan ????
what is the answer of B writing skills
Why was soames upset?
Songs was upset because his all the papers are copied by any student
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Thankyou sir.With this now i am ready to take my english examination. But i want mathematics solutions.
Thank you sir now I am ready to take my English test
Very nice trick to help the children’s who not complete copy!