DAV Class 4 Science Chapter 5 Question Answer Birds Beaks and Claws are prepared by Science subject experts. With the help of these solutions for Class 4 Science My Living World Book, you can easily grasp basic concepts better and faster.
Here at SOLUTIONGYAN, chapter 5 Birds Beaks and Claws of class 4 Science book exercise provided at the end of the chapter will be a useful resource for DAV Class 4 students.
Here, we provide complete solutions of DAV Class 4 Science Chapter 5 Birds Beaks and Claws of My Living World Textbook. These exercise of Science chapter 5 contains 5 questions and the answers to them are provided in the DAV Class 4 Science Chapter 5 Question Answer Birds Beaks and Claws.
DAV Class 4 Science Chapter 5 Birds Beaks and Claws Solutions
DAV Class 4 Science Chapter 5 Birds Beaks and Claws Solutions is given below. Here DAV Class 4 Science chapter 5 question answer is provided with detailed explanation.
- Fill in the blanks
- Match the following
- Tick the correct option
- Answer the following questions in brief
- Answer the following questions
DAV Class 4 students are more likely to score good marks in Science exam if they practise DAV Class 4 Science Chapter 5 Question Answer Birds Beaks and Claws regularly.
DAV Class 4 Science Chapter 5 Question Answer Birds Beaks and Claws
A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Birds do not have ___________ to eat food.
2. Sunbird ___________ nectar from flowers.
3. A duck has a ___________ and broad beak.
4. A penguin uses its webbed feet to ___________.
5. ___________ and jacana are wading birds.
Answer: (1) teeth (2) sucks (3) flat (4) swim (5) Crane
B. Match the following:

Answer: (1) d (2) g (3) e (4) a (5) b (6) c (7) f
C. Tick the correct option.
1. A sparrow uses its short and hard beak for-
Answer: crushing of grains
2. A hoopoe takes out insects and worms from the holes in the ground with the help of its-
Answer: long and slender beak
3. A bird, that does not have strong and sharp claws, is the-
Answer: duck
4. Birds, that have two toes pointing upwards and two downwards, are known as-
Answer: climbing birds
5. It is a perching bird.
Answer: sparrow
D. Answer the following questions in brief.
1. What do birds use for preening their feathers?
Answer: Birds use beaks for preening their feathers.
2. How is a crushing beak helpful to a pigeon?
Answer: Pigeon uses it for crushing seeds and grains and, thereby, make them soft before eating.
3. What are claws?
Answer: Claws are the long-curved nails present on the feet.
4. Name three birds of prey.
Answer: Three birds of prey are: – eagle, vulture and hawk.
5. What prevents the body of crane and jacana from sinking in water?
Answer: Crane and jacana have long legs and wide spreading toes. These help them to walk in shallow water or mud. The widely spread-out toes prevent their body from sinking in water.
E. Answer the following questions.
1. Write two main uses of a beak of a bird.
Answer: Two main uses of beaks are:
- Beaks are used for preening the feathers.
- Beaks are used to tear, bite, chisel or crush the food.
2. How are claws helpful to a bird?
Answer: Claws are used for climbing, protecting, holding food, swimming and perching.
3. How does a swallow catch its food?
Answer: A swallow has a small, broad and sticky beak. The beak is sticky from inside. This helps the swallow to catch flies while flying.
4. How do webbed feet help a duck to swim?
Answer: Ducks have webbed feet that help them to swim. They use their feet to paddle and push the water while swimming.
5. What type of feet do the scratching birds have?
Answer: Scratching birds have strong feet with three toes in front and one at the back. Each toe has a sharp claw to scratch the ground in search of seeds and insects present in the soil.
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Nice ???? But not give activity page no 32