DAV Book Solutions Class 7 History OUR PASTS-II Chapter 14
Students who are looking for DAV Solutions For Class 7 Social Science Chapter 14 Regional Powers of We and Our World book, then you are at right place. Here at solutiongyan, we provide complete solutions of DAV class 7 Social Science History OUR PASTS-II book.

The exercise contains five questions and the answers to them are provided in the DAV Solutions for Class 7 History Chapter 14 “Regional Powers”. Solutions of DAV Class 7 SST help to boost the writing skills of the students, along with their logical reasoning. Students can go through these solutions to learn an effective way of expressing their answers in the exam.
DAV Class 7 SST Chapter 14 Regional Powers Question Answer
DAV Class 7 Social Science Book question answer Chapter 14 Regional Powers is given below. Here DAV Class 7 Social Science History chapter 14 Question Answer is provided with great explanation.
- Tick the correct option.
- Fill in the blanks.
- True or False.
- Answer the following questions in brief.
- Answer the following questions.
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A. Tick the correct option.
1. Who among the following visitors has written in praise of Vijaynagar Empire?
Answer: Paes
2. Who constructed Kirti Stambh at Chittor?
Answer: Rana Kumbha
3. The city of Vijayanagar was located on the banks of River-
Answer: Tungabhadra
4. Identify the Bahmani king who was a good calligraphist and an accomplished linguist.
Answer: Firoz Shah
5. Sayana was a-
Answer: Great Sanskrit scholar
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. Bukka succeeded ___________.
2. Vijaynagar rulers were involved in a battle with ___________ kingdom.
3. Firoz Shah Bahamani ruled from ___________ to ___________.
4. Rana Sanga was one of the most famous rulers of ___________.
5. Zainul Abidin adopted a policy of ___________ towards Hindus.
Answer: (1) Harihar (2) Bahamani (3) 1397 CE, 1422 CE (4) Mewar (5) religious tolerance.
C. Write True or False for the following statements.
1. The Bahmani and Vijayanagar kingdoms maintained friendly relations with each other.
2. The name ‘Assam’ is derived from Ahom.
3. The Bahmani kingdom was founded by Mahmud Gawan.
4. Rao Bika founded the city of Bikaner.
5. Zainul Abidin reimposed jazia on Hindus.
Answer: (1) False (2) True (3) False (4) True (5) False
D. Answer the following questions in brief.
1. Name the main centres of education during Vijaynagar empire.
Answer: The main centers of education during Vijaynagar empire were temples and Mathas.
2. Mention the classes into which the society was divided in Vijaynagar empire.
Answer: The society was divided in three main classes into Vijaynagar empire. They were- the nobles and high officials, big traders and middle class and the commoners.
3. What was Firoz Shah famous for?
Answer: He was a good calligrapher and very learner man.
4. Who built the Kirti Stambha at Chittor?
Answer: Rana Kumbha built Kirti Stambha at Chittor.
5. Why did Rana Kumbha become popular?
Answer: Rana Kumbha was a learned ruler. He was a linguist author architect and a Veena player of repute. he built 32 forts for the defence of Mewar. Rana Kumbha constructed the magnificent Kirti Stambh to celebrate his Victory over Malwa.
E. Answer the following questions.
1. Describe the development of art and architecture under the Vijaynagar rulers.
Answer: The Vijaynagar rulers were great builders and patrons of architecture. They built beautiful temples and strong dams. Vithalaswami and Virupakha temples. It is said that city was surrounded by seven walls. Large pillared known as Kalyan mandap and very high gateway are some of the salient features of these temples. Life – Size statues of king queens are the finest examples of the art of sculpture.
2. List the achievements of Mahmud Gawan as Prime Minister of Bahamani kingdom.
Answer: The achievements of Mahmud Gawan as a prime Minister are as follows:
- Mahmud Gawan was the prime minister but in reality, he controlled the entire administration.
- He divided kingdom into eight tarafs (provinces), under Tarfdars.
- He reduced the powers of the governors of these ‘Tarafs’ (Provinces)
- In each of these eight ‘Tarafs’ some areas were kept reserve for the control of the Central Government and for their administrative control, officials were appointed by the Centre.
- He put a check on the powers of the nobles.
- He introduced a fair system of justice.
3. What were the main achievements of Rana Kumbha of Mewar?
Answer: The main achievements of Rana Kumbha of Mewar are as follows:
- Rana kumbha was a very brave general and an outstanding ruler of Mewar.
- He had built 32 forts for the defence of Mewar.
- Rana Kumbha constructed the magnificent Kirti Stambh to celebrate his victory over Malwa.
- He was a very learner ruler.
- He was a linguist, author, architect and a veena player of repute.
4. Describe the various achievements of Zainul Abidin, the ruler of Kashmir.
Answer: The various achievement of Zainul Abidin are as follows:
- He adopted a policy of religious tolerance towards the Hindus.
- He banned cow slaughter, abolished Jazia on the Hindus and gave higher position jobs to them.
- He got Mahabharata and Rajtarangini translated into Persian and Arabic. He got the classics of Persian and Arabic translated into Sanskrit.
- He introduced control on market and prices. He issued copper and silver coins.
5. List the administrative reforms that brought glory to the Vijaynagar empire.
Answer: The administrative reforms that brought glory to the Vijaynagar empire are:
(1) The king who was the head of the state, ruled with the help of a council which included eminent nobles appointed by him. The council had the right to advise the king.
(II) The revenue system was well organised.
(III) The wicked were not spared in the kingdom. At the same time, the good were given full protection.
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