If you are looking for DAV Class 8 English Literature Book Solutions Chapter 2 Grannys Tree Climbing by Ruskin Bond, then you are at right place. Here at SOLUTIONGYAN, DAV Class 8 English book solutions of chapter 2 Granny’s Tree Climbing exercises provided at the end of the chapter will be a useful resource for Class 8 English exams.
Here, we provide complete solutions of DAV Class 8 English chapter 2 Grannys Tree Climbing of English literature book. These exercise of English chapter 2 Granny’s Tree Climbing by Ruskin Bond contains 5 questions and the answers to them are provided in the DAV Class 8 English Literature Book Solutions Chapter 2 Grannys Tree Climbing.

Solutions of DAV Class 8 English chapter 2 Granny’s Tree Climbing help to boost the writing skills of the students, along with their logical reasoning. Students can go through class 8 English Literature chapter 2 question answers Granny’s Tree Climbing by Ruskin Bond to learn an effective way of expressing their answers in the exam.
DAV Class 8 English Chapter 2 Grannys Tree Climbing Solutions
DAV Class 8 English Literature Chapter 2 Granny’s Tree Climbing Question Answer is given below. Here DAV Class 8 English Literature chapter 2 Granny’s Tree Climbing solutions by Ruskin Bond is provided with great explanation.
DAV Solutions of Class 8 of English Literature Textbook is the best source for the students to self-analyse their performance. DAV Class 8 students are more likely to score good marks in English exam if they practise DAV Class 8 English Literature Book Solutions Chapter 2 Grannys Tree Climbing regularly.
DAV Class 8 English Literature Book Solutions Chapter 2
Understanding the Poem
A. On the basis of your understanding of the poem, answer the following questions in one word/phrase.
1. At what age did Granny learn climbing trees?
Answer: At the age of six.
2. Who taught her the art of climbing trees?
Answer: Her loving brother.
3. How old was she when she last climbed a tree?
Answer: She was 62 years old.
4. In which season did she get trapped in a tree?
Answer: In summer season.
5. For how long was she advised to take rest after being rescued?
Answer: She was advised to take rest for a week.
6. Who made a tree-top house for her?
Answer: Her son made a tree – top house for her.
7. What things does the narrator carry to his granny’s tree-top house daily?
Answer: A tray with glasses.
B. Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow.
1. We sighed with relief and tucked her up well.
Poor Granny! For her, it was like a brief season in hell,
Confined to her bedroom, while every breeze
Whispered of summer and dancing leaves.
(a) Why did the narrator and his family ‘sigh in relief’?
Answer: The narrator and his family sighed in relief because Granny had no serious injuries and the doctor had recommended just a week’s bed-rest.
(b) Why was Granny confined to bed? Why did she find it ‘a brief season in hell’?
Answer: Granny was confined to bed because she had high temperature due to the exertion of tree-climbing and getting stuck there.
She found it a brief season in hell because she was not allowed to climb trees, and that was quite a punishment for her.
(c) How did she finally get rid of this ‘season in hell’?
Answer: She gets finally get rid of this season in hell, by getting a treetop house built and residing in it.
2. …. but it was feared by all
That one day she’d have a terrible fall.
The outcome was different…
(a) What did everyone fear?
Answer: Everyone feared that one day Granny would have a terrible fall from the tree.
(b) ‘The outcome was different’. What was this outcome? How was it different from what everyone had expected?
Answer: The outcome was that one-day Granny got stuck-up on a tree and was unable to climb down.
Everyone had feared that someday Granny would have a terrible fall from the tree. Instead, she got stuck-up and could not climb down the tree.
(c) What did this outcome lead to?
Answer: The outcome led to rescue operation; the doctor recommended bed for a week as she was down with fever.
C. What is the rhyme scheme of the poem?
Answer: The rhyme scheme of the poem is ‘AABB’.
The poet says:
‘… every breeze
Whispered of summer and dancing leaves.’
Discuss with your partner how breeze can ‘whisper’ and leaves ‘dance’. Which figure of speech has been used here?
Answer: Here summer and leaves have been treated as human beings. So, they can obviously ‘whisper and dance’ as humans do. The figure of speech used here is personification.
Life Skills
Granny liked living in a tree-top house more than living in an ordinary house. If you get a chance to live in a tree-top house, what problems would you face while living there and what things would you enjoy?
Answer: Living in a treetop house may have some advantages and disadvantages, on the one hand, I can enjoy the beauty of nature in a better way. On the other hand, I can feel confined having no civic amenities.
Grandparents are always very dear to grandchildren. What all do you do to spend quality time with your grandparents?
Answer: Grandparents are very dear to children. I take care of them and obey his instructions.
Writing Skills
Imagine yourself to be Granny. Write a diary entry expressing your ardent wish to climb trees and your family’s disapproval of it.
Climbing tree is my passion, that I have continued since my childhood. The members of my family think that I should stop climbing trees at this age of mine, but I don’t want to grow disgracefully. A few days back when the family members were out of the town, I climbed a tree but didn’t come down.
The doctor recommended me bed rest for a week as I had fever. It was like a brief season of hell for me. As I recovered from my illness, I told my son to build a tree-top house for me. I shifted in the house when it was completed. I enjoy living there very much.
thank you so much for my help my summer vacation is going on i used to get bored at home but now i can write the question answer of my english or any subject again thank you
You’re welcome Aamena Anjum, glad you found our guide helpful
yea aamena sir now i can learn any chapter but sir the Q and ans are short sir plz make big Q and A
It is helpful
Yes You are right. ????????????
this is much more important for me because always my notes used to be incomplete thanks i will be grateful to you
This really helped me complete my notes. Thank you
Thankz bro this helped me a lot for my english exams.
Thank you it helped me alot and my holiday homework is completely done
This was so helpful for me because tomorrow is my board exam and I never read story but when I read this all questions I am sure that I got better marks on it .so,thank you so much .????Davins☺
Thankyou very much
THANK YOU for providing the answers of all the questions. It helped me very much to get idea how to write the answers.
I believe it can help anybody.
Very useful website for those students who is needy and helpless
Rhyme scheme of this poem is not
”aa bb ” it’s “”‘aa bb cc dd ….””‘
Nice answer ???????? thanks
This website really help me in many subjects thank you solution gyan
I am watching this before exam. It’s very very helpful