If you are looking for DAV Class 5 SST Chapter 4 Question Answer Sensitivity towards Others of we and our world social science book, then you are at right place. Here at solutiongyan.com, Class 5 Social Science chapter 4 exercises provided at the end of the chapter will be a useful resource for DAV Class 5 students.
Here, we provide complete solutions of DAV Class 5 SST Chapter 4 Sensitivity towards Others of We and Our World SST Textbook. These exercise of sst chapter 4 contains five questions and the answers to them are provided in the DAV Class 5 SST Chapter 4 Question Answer Sensitivity towards Others.

Solutions of DAV Class 5 SST chapter 4 Sensitivity towards Others is help to boost the writing skills of the students, along with their logical reasoning. Students of class 5 can go through Social Science chapter 4 solution to learn an effective way of expressing their answer in the dav class 5 sst exam.
DAV Class 5 SST Chapter 4 Sensitivity towards Others Solutions
DAV Class 5 Social Science Chapter 4 Sensitivity towards Others Solutions is given below. Here DAV Class 5 SST chapter 4 question answer is provided with detailed explanation. i.e. Correct the following statements, Answer briefly, Answers the following questions, Tick the correct option, Fill in the blanks, etc.
- Tick the correct option
- Fill in the blanks
- Correct the following statements
- Answer briefly
- Answers the following questions
DAV question answer of Class 5 of We and Our World Social Science Textbook is the best source for the students to self-analyse their performance. DAV Class 5 students are more likely to score good marks in SST (Social Science) exam if they practise DAV Class 5 SST Chapter 4 Question Answer Sensitivity towards Others regularly.
DAV Class 5 SST Chapter 4 Question Answer
A. Tick the correct option:
1. Special skills can make the physically challenged children-
Answer: Confident
2. Children with physical challenges have difficulty in forming relationships with others due to-
Answer: Physical limitations
3. Physically challenged children should be given education which is-
Answer: Inclusive
4. The condition of socially deprived children can be improved through-
Answer: Education
B. Fill in the blanks:
1. A little care and love can make a great difference in the lives of ___________ challenged and ___________ deprived children.
2. Specially trained teachers and therapists provide ___________ to special children.
3. Physically challenged children face difficulties in forming ___________.
4.Our ___________ has special provisions to ensure that each and every child gets education.
5. ___________ education also benefits all students.
Answer: (1) physically, socially (2) guidance (3) relationships (4) constitution (5) Inclusive
C. Correct the following statements:
1. In earlier times parents were aware about the help and training given to physically challenged children.
Answer: In earlier time parents were unaware about the help and training given to physically challenged children.
2. Special child should not be provided with opportunities.
Answer: Special child should be provided with opportunities.
3. Physically challenged children should be sent to special schools only.
Answer: Physically challenged children should be sent to normal schools.
4. School has no role in the life of special children.
Answer: School has role in the life of special children.
5. Socially deprived children belong to homes where the parents are able to earn enough money.
Answer: Socially deprived children belong to homes where the parents are unable to earn enough money.
D. Answer briefly:
1. Which facility in school can make physically challenged children more mobile?
Answer: Specially trained teachers in the school provide them guidance, education and training and make physically challenged children more mobile.
2. Which important quality do parents and teachers of physically challenged children need?
Answer: Parents and teachers of physically challenged children need patience, kindness, Loving and Caring nature.
3. Name one thing that is essential for physically challenged children.
Answer: Lots of love and care.
4. What do socially deprived children miss?
Answer: They miss right to live decent life and opportunity of education.
5. What do you do with your old books, clothes and toys?
Answer: I give my old books, clothes and toys to needy children.
E. Answer the following questions:
1. Who are special children? What can make a difference in their lives?
Answer: Children with any type of physical or mental disabilities are known as special children. A little care and love can make a great difference in their lives.
2. Distinguish between the training of physically challenged children in earlier times and present times.
Answer: Earlier Times:
- Special education and training were not available.
- Parents were unaware about the help and training needed for them.
- Specially trained teachers and therapists were not available.
Present Times
- Special education and trainings are provided to them.
- Parents are trained to deal with such children.
- Specially trained teachers and therapists are available.
3. List the areas where physically challenged children require special skills. How are these skills useful to them?
Answer: Physically challenged children require special skills to eat, read, move around, express themselves and use the toilet. These skills make them confident and less dependent on others.
4. What is Inclusive Education? How does it benefit other students?
Answer: Integration of special children with the normal children is known as Inclusive Education. It benefits other students as they develop a caring and sympathetic attitude towards special children.
5. Who are socially deprived children? Where can you commonly find them?
Answer: The children who are deprived of the right to live a decent life are known as Socially deprived children. They are commonly be found either on the streets or in the slums.
6. What steps should be taken to improve the condition of socially deprived children?
Answer: To improve the condition of socially deprived children:
- Their parents should be guided and encouraged to send them to school.
- They should be made aware of the government schemes like free education, books, uniform, stipends, mid-day meal etc.
7. Do you think socially deprived children should be given money? Give two reasons in support of your answer.
Answer 1: I think socially deprived children should not be given money because-
- It may develop a habit in them of collecting money without doing any work.
- They may misuse it.
Answer 2: The parents of these socially deprived children are unable to earn enough money due to illness, unemployment, poverty or illiteracy. So, money is the most important factor for them. Their children are forced to work as child labour to feed themselves and their families.
So, the children should be given money to pay the fees of the school and also for their own expenditure.
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Thank for question
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Soo good