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DAV Class 5 SST Chapter 1 Question Answer Importance of Family

If you are looking for DAV Class 5 SST Chapter 1 Question Answer Importance of Family of we and our world social science book, then you are at right place. Here at SOLUTIONGYAN.Com, Class 5 Social Science of chapter 1 exercises provided at the end of the chapter will be a useful resource for DAV Class 5 students.

Here, we provide complete solutions of DAV Class 5 SST Chapter 1 Importance of Family of We and Our World SST Textbook. These exercise of sst chapter 1 contains 5 questions and the answers to them are provided in the DAV Class 5 SST Chapter 1 Question Answer Importance of Family.

DAV Class 5 SST Chapter 1 Question Answer Importance of Family
DAV Class 5 SST Chapter 1 Importance of Family

Solutions of DAV Class 5 SST chapter 1 Importance of Family is help to boost the writing skills of the students, along with their logical reasoning. Students of class 5 can go through Social Science chapter 1 solution to learn an effective way of expressing their answer in the dav class 5 sst exam.

DAV Class 5 SST Chapter 1 Importance of Family Solutions

DAV Class 5 Social Science Chapter 1 Importance of Family Solutions is given below. Here DAV Class 5 SST chapter 1 question answer is provided with detailed explanation.


DAV question answer of Class 5 of We and Our World Social Science Textbook is the best source for the students to self-analyse their performance. DAV Class 5 students are more likely to score good marks in SST (Social Science) exam if they practise DAV Class 5 SST Chapter 1 Question Answer Importance of Family regularly.

DAV Class 5 SST Chapter 1 Question Answer

1. A type of family that includes only parents and their children is a-

Answer: Nuclear Family

2. To develop close bonds among family members we must share-

Answer: Love and affection

3. To motivate the younger members to excel, family should-

Answer: Both of them

4. The most important group of human beings is-

Answer: Family

5. The first learning place for a child is-

Answer: Family

1. Family ___________ helps the sufferer to overcome difficulties.

2. All family members must participate in family ___________.

3. The ___________ and ___________ for one another is the real strength of a family.

4. Every member of the family must ___________ the different responsibilities.

5. Each family follows certain customs and ___________.

Answer: (1) support (2) activities (3) love, care (4) share (5) traditions

1. Interaction develops strong bonds in a family.

2. The children cannot help the elder.

3. Each family follows same customs.

4. Care and appreciation are real strengths of a family.

5. Every person has a talent.

Answer: (1) True (2) False (3) False (4) True (5) True

1. List two qualities that you admire in your mother/father.

Answer: I admire the following two qualities in my mother/father-

  • Simplicity of my mother
  • Hard work of my father

Note: Answer can be different. You can write according to your thinking.

2. List the qualities that make your mother/father the most special person in the world.

Answer: The qualities that make my mother the most special person in the world is-

  • She is very loving and caring
  • She always helps the needy

Note: Answer can be different. You can write according to your thinking.

3. Why does praise by family members make you happy?

Answer: Praise by family members make me happy because it motivates me to excel further in my work.

Note: Answer can be different. You can write according to your thinking.

4. You have a family member who always criticises you. How is that person related to you? Give one reason for his/her criticism.

Answer: Not always but sometimes my father criticise me for not doing my work at time.

Note: Answer can be different. You can write according to your thinking.

5. Describe your reactions when your mother/father checks you for your behaviour.

Answer: When my father or mother checks me for my behaviour, I feel bad but gradually I understand that it was for my betterment.

Note: Answer can be different. You can write according to your thinking.

1. What is the importance of a family?

Answer: A family is very important because-

  • It is the first school of child.
  • We get love, care and support from family members.
  • They help the sufferer to overcome difficulties.

2. “The family systems work like a chain.” Explain it with an example.

Answer: Family system works like a chain. For example- The elders help the child to grow into a good human being. In turn, children provide support and care to elders in times of need.

3. What do you mean by “family traditions”? What is the importance of family traditions in your life?

Answer: Family traditions are the activities that occur regularly in a family and hold special meaning for that family. They are important because they teach us values and ethics.

4. What steps can the family members take to build strong bonds?

Answer: The following steps can be taken to build strong bonds-

  • Family members should spend time together.
  • They should respect everyone’s view.
  • Provide support in times of emergency.

5. Why is it important to have good communication with your parents?

Answer: It is important to have good communication with our parents because-

  • It develops harmony
  • It builds strong bonds
  • We can easily share our joys and sorrows.

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