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Upagupta poem questions answers

Upagupta poem questions answers: As a student of Class 9 in the Karnataka State Education Examination Board (KSEEB), it is important to have access to good study materials and solutions to excel in your English exams. One of the important chapters in the Class 9 English textbook is the poem “Upagupta”.

KSEEB Solutions for Class 9 English Poem Chapter 1 Upagupta is a great resource for students who are looking for additional support and guidance on this poem.

KSEEB Class 9 English Chapter 1 Upagupta poem questions answers

“Upagupta” is a poem written by the famous Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore. It is a beautiful poem that tells the story of a monk named Upagupta, who lived during the time of Buddha. The poem is a reflection of the monk’s inner struggle and his journey towards enlightenment.

KSEEB Class 9 English Poem Chapter 1 Upagupta provides a detailed explanation of the poem, along with solutions to the questions given at the end of the chapter.

“Upagupta” is a poem that tells the story of a young monk named Upagupta who lived during the time of Buddha. The poem begins with Upagupta sleeping outside the city walls of Mathura, when he is suddenly awakened by the tinkling of anklets. He sees a dancing girl, who invites him to her house, but he politely declines. A year later, when Upagupta returns to the same place, he finds the same woman lying sick with smallpox. He comforts her, moistens her lips with water, and smears her body with sandal balm. The woman asks Upagupta who he is, and he tells her that he is the one who had promised to come to her when the time was right.

The poem portrays the compassion and humanity of the young monk, who shows kindness to a sick and ostracized woman. It also reflects on the impermanence of life and the idea of fate, as Upagupta meets the woman again a year later, fulfilling his promise to her. Overall, the poem is a poignant reminder of the importance of compassion and kindness towards others, even in the face of illness and suffering.

Look at the picture given here. What conies to your mind when you see this picture?

Answer: We see Lord Buddha and Angulimala coming face to face. The divine light of Buddha is seen Angulimala feels blessed and happy because Buddha brought transformation in his life.

Write briefly your thoughts and feelings in these lines.

Answer: Angulimala was a cruel man. Cruelty creates a lot of miseries and sufferings to the people. Buddha is known for his kindness and mercy. Love conquer all, even the enemies. We can change the cruel nature of a man by showing love and kindness.


dark gloomy skyThe murky sky
ornamental chain worn around the ankle of a ladyThose tinkling with anklets
a religious person who leads a simple and strict lifeAscetic
at an appropriate timewhen the time is ripe.
flashes of lightningblack night’s teeth showed in a flash of high
fort like structurerampart
made slightly wetmoistened
Work in pairs
Upagupta poem questions answers
signposts of the poem


  1. Upagupta asleep on the dusty ground of Mathura.
  2. The dancing girl invites him to her home.
  3. He promises to visit her when the time is ripe.
  4. The woman is driven away from the town.
  5. Upagupta keeps his promise.


Simplicitysleeping on the dusty earth
Mercifultook her head on his knees, and moistened her lips with water and smeared her body with sandal balm
Forgivingstumbling over the body of Upagupta – Vasavadatta asking him to forgive her
Young and attractivelowering her lamp she saw young face austerely beautiful
Be true to his wordsUpagupta says The time, at last, has come to visit you and. am here
Quote the appropriate lines from the poem

Upagupta a disciple of Buddha, goes from one place to another. Once while he is sleeping in a small town called Mathura, a dancing girl wakes him up and invites him to her home. Upagupta refuses, but tells her, “I will visit you when the time is ripe”. A year later, Upagupta finds the dancing girl lying on the ground outside the town, having sores all over the body. She is driven away from the town. He gives her water and applies balm on her body. The woman asks who he is. Upagupta replies, “Now the time has come to visit you and I am here”.

1. Why did Upagupta wake up startled?

Answer: Upagupta woke up startled, because Vasavadatta, a dancing girl stumbled over his body.

2. “The dancing girl was rich.” Do you agree with this opinion? Justify your answer by quoting from the text.

Answer: “The dancing girl was rich.” We agree with this opinion because she was proud of her beauty and wealth. Her feet were those thinking with anklets. This means her chains around the anklets were making a pleasant metallic sound. She was starred with jewels. This means precious ornaments were on her body. They were shining like stars.

3. Why do you think the ascetic did not accept the invitation of the dancing girl?

Answer: The ascetic was the disciple of Buddha. His name was Upagupta. According to Buddhist principles, he was leading simple and strict ways of living. He had sacrificed the material world. On the other hand the dancing girl was proud of her youth and wealth. She was to lead her life splendidly. But the ascetic did not want such a life. Therefore, he did not accept the invitation of the dancing girl.

4. How is the spring season described in the poem?

Answer: In the spring season, the branches Of the wayside trees are full of blossom. Happy songs from a flute come floating in the warm spring air from a distance. Thus, the spring season is described in the poem.

5. “The time, at last, has come to visit you.” What do you understand by this?

Answer: I understand about the truthfulness of Upagupta. He kept his promise to the dancing girl that he had made a year before. He finds the dancing girl lying on the ground outside the town, having sores of smallpox all over her body. She has been driven away from the town. He gives her water and applies sandal balm on her body. It shows his kindness and selflessness. He is the redeemer to those who are in trouble.

6. Read the last stanza. Does the description suggest anything about the ascetic?

Answer: The lines 38 to 41 are the description of Upagupta, the ascetic. The disruption suggests that how he nursed the dancing girl who was struck with black deadly epidemic disease. He sat by her side and took her head on his knees. He gave her water and made her lips wet. He applied her body with sandal balm.


  • Upagupta sleeping on the dusty ground.
  • Dancing girl’s feet were tinkling with anklets.
  • The dancing girl was starred with jewels.
  • Suddenly the black night showed its teeth in a flash of lightning.
  • The branches of the wayside trees were full of blossom.
  • Upagupta stood at the base of the rampart.
  • The dancing girl lying on the ground outside the town having sores of Smallpox all over the body.
  • Lamps were out, doors were all shut.

Answer: The dancing girl is cured by Upagupta. She gives up her pride in her beauty, youth and wealth. She becomes a follower of Upagupta.

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