If you are looking for DAV Class 8 English Literature Book Solutions Chapter 7 The Children’s Song by Joseph Rudyard Kipling, then you are at right place. Here at SOLUTIONGYAN, DAV Class 8 English book solutions of chapter 7 The Children’s Song exercises provided at the end of the chapter will be a useful resource for Class 8 English exams.
Here, we provide complete solutions of DAV Class 8 English chapter 7 The Children’s Song of English literature book. These exercise of English chapter 7 The Children’s Song by Joseph Rudyard Kipling contains 5 questions and the answers to them are provided in the DAV Class 8 English Literature Book Solutions Chapter 7 The Children’s Song.

Solutions of DAV Class 8 English chapter 7 The Children’s Song help to boost the writing skills of the students, along with their logical reasoning. Students can go through class 8 English Literature chapter 7 question answers The Children’s Song by Joseph Rudyard Kipling to learn an effective way of expressing their answers in the exam.
DAV Class 8 English Chapter 7 The Children’s Song Solutions
DAV Class 8 English Literature Chapter 7 The Children’s Song Question Answer is given below. Here DAV Class 8 English Literature chapter 7 The Children’s Song by Joseph Rudyard Kipling solutions is provided with great explanation.
DAV Solutions of Class 8 of English Literature Textbook is the best source for the students to self-analyse their performance. DAV Class 8 students are more likely to score good marks in English exam if they practise DAV Class 8 English Literature Book Solutions Chapter 7 The Children’s Song regularly.
DAV Class 8 English Literature Book Solutions Chapter 7
Understanding the Story
B. Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow.
1. Teach us to bear the yoke in youth,
With steadfastness and careful truth;
That, in our time. Thy Grace may give
The Truth whereby the Nations live.
(a) What yoke is the speaker referring to in the first line?
Answer: The speaker is talking about the responsibility of the children towards their nation.
(b) What does the speaker mean by ‘careful truth’?
Answer: ‘Careful truth’ means the truth which is unbiased, focused and builds a strong, prosperous and developed nation.
(c) What does the phrase ‘in our time’ in line 3 refer to?
Answer: It refers to the time when the children would grow up to shoulder their responsibilities.
(d) Explain: The Truth whereby the Nations live.
Answer: ‘The Truth whereby the Nations live’ means that children who are the future citizens of the country pray to God to make them honest, responsible and truthful. They also pray to give them the strength to always stand by the truth as it is a strong foundation of a country’s progress and prosperity.
2. Land of our Birth, our faith, our pride,
For whose dear sake our fathers died;
Oh, Motherland, we pledge to thee
Head, heart and hand through the years to be!
(a) Why does the speaker call their motherland ‘Land of…., …faith, …pride’?
Answer: The speaker calls his motherland the land of faith and pride because it comprises of the customs, beliefs and traditions which he believes in and it has given him his identity and recognition. He is proud of his cultural heritage.
(b) How does the speaker wish to serve their motherland?
Answer: The poet wished to serve his motherland by being sincere, honest, hardworking, responsible and loving. He wishes to do good deeds and contribute to the betterment of human race. He is willing to make supreme sacrifices for his motherland.
(c) What do the words ‘head’, ‘heart’ and ‘hand’ in line 4 refer to?
Answer: The word Head refers to intelligence and knowledge. ‘Heart’ refers to love and patriotism and ‘hand’ refers to hard work. This reference has been made to signify that children should have intelligence, love and sincerity towards their motherland.
(d) What purpose is served by the repetition of the word ‘our’ in line 1?
Answer: In line 1, the repetition of the word ‘our’ creates a sense of belongingness to the motherland. It gives a feeling that all the countrymen are equal for the motherland.
C. Explain the following.
1. …we pledge to thee
Our love and toil in the years to be.
Answer: The children pledge to serve their motherland worth sincerity and devotion when they grow up. They want to do their best possible for their country and make necessary sacrifices.
2. That we may bring, if need arise,
No maimed or worthless sacrifice.
Answer: In the hour of need we shall not hesitate in sacrificing anything to bring freedom and dignity to our country.
3. That we, with Thee, may walk uncowed
By fear or favour of the crowd.
Answer: The children pray to God to make them fearless and face any situation courageously and with faith in Him. They wish to be courageous so that they may be able to walk in any sphere of life without any fear, criticism or favour of the people around them.
4. Mirth that has no bitter springs.
Answer: The children pray to God to teach them to find happiness in small things of life and they should not have any ill feelings against anyone. They should take life as it comes.
D. The repetition of a sound to create a musical effect in a poem is called ‘alliteration’. Find at least four examples of alliteration in the poem.
Answer: four examples of alliteration in the poem are:
- That they may build from age to age (Sound of a)
- Head, heart and hand through the years to be (Sound of h)
- Forgiveness free of evil done (Sound of f)
- Controlled and cleanly night and day (Sound of c)
E. What is the rhyme scheme of the poem?
Answer: The rhyme scheme of the poem is aabb.
Why is the poem titled ‘The Children’s Song’?
Answer: The poem deals with children’s wishes. They are making a prayer before God and the entire poem is in the form of a song offered to God. The poem is also very musical. Hence, it is titled ‘The Children’s Song’.
Life Skills
A. ‘The Children’s Song’ has a definite message for the people of every country in every age. What is that message?
Answer: The poem conveys a patriotic message that the children will serve their motherland with all their strength and hard work. For that, one needs to be a perfect human being of great virtues. Only an upright man with moral character can fulfil the responsibility of serving the motherland.
B. How can we comfort a man in distress?
Answer: We can comfort a man in distress by offering him help of any kind. We should wish for strength to help the people who are in pain, and should not do anything that can hurt the weak.
C. Why should we have more trust in God than in our friends?
Answer: Our friends may not be truthful and impartial all the time. However, God is free from all vices: He is always impartial, and therefore, most trustworthy.
Almost all values find expression in the poem ‘The Children’s Song’-love for the country, shouldering responsibilities, selflessness, compassion, forgiveness, etc. Throw light on the humanitarian aspect of the poem in the light of the above observation.
Answer: The poem carries a message for the people of every country regardless of their age. It seeks to encourage us to inculcate in ourselves all such virtues that help us grow into an ideal human being. It wants us to be ready to bear responsibilities as the dutiful citizens of our nation. It motivates us to work in a selfless manner and to be compassionate towards fellow beings. Our deeds or thoughts must not be detrimental to the weak. And it wants us to forgive and forget in all situations. It emphasizes the adoption of such traits that make us better human beings.
Writing Skills
Taking hints from the poem, prepare a speech to be delivered in the morning assembly on the topic: ‘The Role of the Youth in Our Nation’s Development’.
Good morning, Principal, worthy teachers and my fellow friends! Today, I am standing before you to express my views on The Role of the Youth in Our Nation’s Development. Youth are the backbone of a nation. Today’s growing children will be tomorrow’s leaders and responsible citizens.
The youth can purge all the social evils like corruption, nepotism etc. The youth should do their best in the respective field. Nation’s progress lies in their progress. They must develop iron will and determination to check invasion on their motherland.
Let us take a vow to serve our motherland with full devotion to make her a wonderful place by having love and peace all around.
Have a nice day!
That’s good solutions
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My also ayush
Idiots it is very very very helpful
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