If you are looking for DAV Class 8 English Literature Book Solutions Chapter 10 The Undeserved Reward by Premchand, then you are at right place. Here at SOLUTIONGYAN, DAV Class 8 English book solutions of chapter 10 The Undeserved Reward exercises provided at the end of the chapter will be a useful resource for Class 8 English exams.
Here, we provide complete solutions of DAV Class 8 English chapter 10 The Undeserved Reward of English literature book. These exercise of English chapter 10 The Undeserved Reward by Premchand contains 5 questions and the answers to them are provided in the DAV Class 8 English Literature Book Solutions Chapter 10 The Undeserved Reward.

Solutions of DAV Class 8 English chapter 10 The Undeserved Reward help to boost the writing skills of the students, along with their logical reasoning. Students can go through class 8 English Literature chapter 10 question answers The Undeserved Reward by Premchand to learn an effective way of expressing their answers in the exam.
DAV Class 8 English Chapter 10 The Undeserved Reward Solutions
DAV Class 8 English Literature Chapter 10 The Undeserved Reward Question Answer is given below. Here DAV Class 8 English Literature chapter 10 The Undeserved Reward solutions is provided with great explanation.
DAV Solutions of Class 8 of English Literature Textbook is the best source for the students to self-analyse their performance. DAV Class 8 students are more likely to score good marks in English exam if they practise DAV Class 8 English Literature Book Solutions Chapter 10 The Undeserved Reward regularly.
DAV Class 8 English Literature Book Solutions Chapter 10
Understanding the Story
A. Write T for true or F for false statements.
1. The narrator is a lawyer by profession.
2. The district officer had a keen interest in history.
3. The narrator and Baldev used to be classmates about ten years back.
4. Baldev came to see the narrator because he was keen to revive an old friendship.
5. The narrator requested the district officer to help his friend.
6. Baldev was thankful to the narrator for saving his son.
Answer: (1) False (2) True (3) False (4) False (5) False (6) True.
B. Answer the following questions in about 30 words each.
1. Why is the narrator a secret admirer of the district officer?
Answer: The narrator secretly admires the district officer as he is a man of learning. He has done considerable research in history and old coins. The narrator wonders how he finds time for it in the midst of his official duties.
2. What did the Indian officer do when his father-in-law insisted on prolonging his daughter’s stay at his house?
Answer: The officer lost his temper when the father-in-law insisted on prolonging his daughter’s stay at his house. He was so furious that he issued summons for the arrest of his father-in-law. The man came and asked for forgiveness.
3. When the narrator was invited by the district officer to see him, his friends said that it was an insult to him. Why?
Answer: The friends felt that the officer had acted in a snobbish way. Taking advantage of his high office, he had summoned the writer, they argued. They thought that the district officer should have himself come to his house if he was so keen to meet him.
4. Why was the narrator happy that the district officer had not come to his house himself instead of calling him?
Answer: The narrator was a practical man. He thought that had the officer visited his house it would have created a problem for him as there was not even a decent chair in his house or expensive cigars to serve him. It would have been difficult for him to entertain the district officer properly even after spending a lot of money. So, he thanked God for the district officer’s decision not to visit him personally.
5. ‘I considered this as downright mean and dishonest.’ What did the narrator consider to be mean and dishonest?
Answer: The narrator had friendship with the district officer and it was easy for him to convince people that through him they could get favour from the district officer. But he considered it as downright, mean and dishonest as taking favours from the high officials was against his principles.
6. How did the narrator and Baldev become friends in their childhood?
Answer: The narrator and Baldev had studied together about forty-five years ago. Baldev was dull in studies and his teacher was fed up with him. So, he gave the narrator the task of giving extra lessons to Baldev. The narrator’s sympathetic approach gave results. Baldev was soon well up in studies and they became friends.
7. Why had the police involved Baldev’s son in a false case of dacoity?
Answer: Baldev’s son was a short-tempered man. He had picked up quarrels with the police on a number of occasions and they had always been on the lookout for an opportunity to involve him in a crime. Therefore, when a dacoity took place in the village, they got their chance and during investigation roped him in.
C. Baldev presented many arguments before the narrator to convince him to speak to the district officer. State a few arguments and identify the one which you think to be the most convincing, giving reasons to justify your choice. (About 80-100 words).
Answer: Baldev gave several arguments to convince the narrator. He said that his son was innocent. He also told that the entire family would be ruined. The ladies of the house had been crying their heart out and had not eaten anything since his arrest. Baldev requested the narrator to consider the poor boy as his own son. In my opinion, the last argument is the most convincing. The narrator might have approached the district officer for the sake of his innocent son.
‘I feel sorry at the mentality of my countrymen,’ says the narrator. Why does the narrator feel sorry for it? Explain.
Answer: The narrator feels sorry that his countrymen give a lot of importance to the government officials. They try to flatter by inviting them to preside over public functions or naming the school or a hospital after them. This slavish mentality of Indians makes the narrator feel sorry for them.
Life Skills
A. ‘Every deserving action should be rewarded; likewise, every reward should be well deserved. Does this statement always hold true in real life? Substantiate your answer with examples.
Answer: Yes, any deserving or noteworthy act must be acknowledged and rewarded. Only when this is done, the person who did the act feel motivated to continue doing such deeds. Similarly, if you plan to reward for an act done by him/her, you must ensure that the act done is commendable and really needs to be appreciated with a reward. This encourages the person to carry on doing such acts.
B. ‘One should listen to all but take one’s own decision guided by both intellect and conscience.’ Discuss.
Answer: The decision making process actually demands that it should involve both intellect and conscience. Intellect determines the significance and practicality of the decision and conscience supports in taking the right decision. So, while listening to all, decision should be made on the basis of intellect as well as the consciousness.
A. ‘I could not gather the courage to tell them that I had done nothing.’ Should the narrator have accepted the credit for saving Baldev’s son from imprisonment or should he have admitted openly that he had done nothing in the matter? Discuss in the class.
Answer: The narrator was surprised to see Baldev with gifts. Though he had no intention of taking undue credit for something he had not done, he could not gather the courage to tell him the truth and refuse all the gifts. The narrator should have admitted openly that he had done nothing to save Baldev’s son. It would have saved him from the guilt and a very low self-esteem. He should have refused to accept the gifts.
B. (i) ‘Where the teacher’s cane failed, my sympathetic approach yielded results.’ It was not uncommon to see children being subjected to corporal punishment earlier. Do you think it was relevant in those times?
Answer: Corporal punishment is nothing but an unbalanced, narrow-minded and anti-educational response, so it was not relevant in those days also. Physical abuse is never welcomed and never should be. It is wrong to hit and beat kids no matter whatever the case maybe. Parents and teachers can mould child’s personality, so children should be treated with love, affection and care.
(ii) Do you think capital punishment is justified?
Answer: Capital Punishment is the most severe and extreme penalty meted out to a person. After the capital punishment there is no return as the convicted is terminated. In my opinion Capital Punishment is not justified. Man is not God. He cannot give life so what right does he have in taking away life? A person should be given a chance to improve.
Writing Skills
A. Baldev is extremely rejoiced at the help rendered by his old friend. On behalf of Baldev prepare a thanksgiving card for the narrator thanking him for his help.
Dear Premchand
Accept my thanks for what you have done to save my son’s life. I know thanks’ a very small word for such type of help. You have also proved this dictum right that a friend in need is a friend indeed.
B. You are the narrator. You are overcome with a feeling of guilt after Baldev and his son leave your house. Write a letter to Baldey expressing your guilt over accepting the honour that you did not deserve.
A- 588, Shiv Nagar
New Delhi
19 January 2022
Dear Baldev,
It is with a great sense of shame that I write this letter to make a confession.
The other day, the honour that you gave me for getting your son acquitted was an undeserved one. When you brought all those gifts to express your gratitude, I should have told you about it. But I could not gather enough courage to tell you the truth.
I must tell you that I did not talk to the district officer and I have no role in the release of your son. The case was decided on his own merit. Instead of thanking me, express your thankfulness to God for showering justice on your son and the district officer who gave a fair verdict.
My friend, I don’t want to hurt you and lose your friendship. Hope you will forgive me.
Your friend
Use some easy words in letters..
Thank you this helped me a lot
Very nice website. Thank you
This was very helpful, specially these days post covid when my son has lost interest in studying.
Wow! What a great explanation.
Bro itne ads kyu hai jaldi reply kar Varna is website ko ham kabhi nahi kholenge aur tumhar ghata yani loss ho jayega
Please use easy words other it is a very good website for studying purposes