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DAV Class 7 SST Chapter 18 Democracy and Equality
DAV class 7 sst chapter 18 question answer Democracy and Equality is given below. Here DAV class 7 social science solutions is provided with great explanation. Here we will solve fill in the blanks, tick the correct option, true or false and long question.
DAV Class 7 SST Chapter 18 Tick The Correct Option
A. Tick the correct option.
1. The Right to Vote is guaranteed to Indians who are-
Answer: citizens of India
2. The most successful scheme of the government which increased enrolment of children in schools is-
Answer: Mid-day meal scheme
3. Which one of the following is NOT responsible for weakening the Indian society?
Answer: education
4. According to the Preamble, who is constituting India into a socialist, secular and democratic republic?
Answer: The people of India
5. To ensure that all the children from the deprived sections are able to fulfil their dreams, the Government of India should not-
Answer: leave them to fight for themselves and become self-dependent.
Class 7 SST Chapter 18 Fill In The Blanks
1. The ___________ is a document that lays down the framework, political structures and the powers and duties of the government.
2. The ___________ is an introduction to our Constitution.
3. The ___________ system creates a social division in a nation.
4. Each ___________ is an organised group, having its own policies and programmes.
5. Many ___________ have been made to protect the Right to Equality.
Answer: (1) constitution (2) preamble (3) caste (4) political party (5) provisions
C. State True or False for the following statements.
1. On 15 August 1947 India became a republic.
2. Our Constitution framers wanted to eradicate discrimination.
3. People elect their representatives for a fixed term.
4. The law does not give equal protection to all.
5. The provisions of reservation have not reached everyone.
Answer: (1) False (2) True (3) True (4) False (5) True
DAV Class 7 SST Chapter 18 Question Answer
D. Answer the following questions in brief.
1. What is the main function of an opposition party?
Answer: It keeps a check on the activities of the ruling parties and protects the rights of the people.
2. Why was reservation provided for certain castes in India?
Answer: Reservation was provided for certain castes in India to ensure their proportionate share in all walks of life so that they could live a life of respect and dignity.
3. What is meant by secularism?
Answer: Secularism means everyone is free to follow the religion of one’s choice and the State does not have a religion of its own.
4. Why is Universal Adult Franchise considered a courageous step of the Constituent Assembly?
Answer: Universal Adult Franchise considered as a courageous step of the Constituent Assembly, as most Indians were illiterate and poor at that time.
5. Name any two literacy programmes started by the Government of India.
Answer: The two literacy programmes started by the government of India are:
- Operation blackboard Universal
- Adult education
E. Answer the following questions.
1. Mention the main provisions of the Right to Equality.
Answer: The main provisions of Right to Equality are:
- All citizens are equal before the law.
- Discrimination on the basis of religion, caste, gender or place of birth is prohibited.
- Everyone is intitled to equal opportunities in all walks of life.
- The law gives equal protection to all.
2. How can the people keep a check on their representatives?
Answer: The people of India cast their votes and elect their representatives for a fixed period. These representatives run the government according to the wishes of the people. If the elected representatives do not do so, people do not vote for them in the next election. People also keep a close watch on the activities of their representatives to guard their rights, as granted by the constitution.
3. List the important steps taken by the Indian government for the benefit of the weaker sections of society.
Answer: The important steps taken by Indian government for the benefit of the weaker sections of society are:
- Many literacy programs have been started by the government.
- The students of weaker sections are provided free education, free books, scholarships, etc.
- Reservation was provided to the weaker sections of the society.
4. List the factors that create inequalities and hamper the success of the democracy.
Answer: Discrimination on the basis of religion, gender, colour, caste and place of birth are the factors that create inequalities and hamper the success of democracy.
5. Why have the benefits of reservation not reached everyone? Suggest two steps that can ensure development of all sections of the Indian society.
Answer: The benefits of reservation have not reached everyone because there is a lack of awareness amongst the people.
The two steps that can ensure development of all sections of the Indian society are:
(1) Proper implementation of the provisions of the constitution given under the Right to Equality.
(1) Creating public awareness for all the developmental programmes.
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