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DAV Class 7 SST Chapter 13 Solutions Delhi Sultanate
DAV class 7 sst chapter 13 question answer Delhi Sultanate is given below. Here DAV class 7 social science solutions is provided with great explanation.
D. Answer the following questions in brief.
E. Answer the following questions.
A. Tick the correct option.
1. Before assuming office of the Sultan of Delhi, Balban was the Prime Minister of which Sultan?
Answer: Nasir-ud-din
2. Which Sultan made a successful attempt to free himself from the control of the Ulemas?
Answer: Alauddin
3. Which of the following cities was NOT founded by Feroz Tughlaq?
Answer: Fatehpur
4. The first ever lady Sultan of India, Razia Sultan, ascended the throne in 1236 CE after
Answer: Ruknuddin
5. Which one of the following statements regarding Feroz Tughlaq is NOT correct?
Answer: He laid many fruit gardens.
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. Slave dynasty was founded by ___________.
2. ___________ founded the new city of Agra in ___________.
3. Ibrahim Lodi was defeated by ___________ in the Battle of ___________ in ___________.
4. Hindu society was based on ___________ system.
5. India’s foreign trade was carried on both by ___________ and ___________.
6. ___________ was the writer of Tarikh-i-Ferozshahi.
Answer: (1) Qutubuddin Aibak (2) Sikander Lodi, 1506 AD (3) Babur, Panipat, 1526 AD (4) caste (5) sea, land (6) Ziauddin Barani
C. Match the following:

Answer: (1) d, (2) e, (3) a, (4) b, (5) c
D. Answer the following questions in brief.
1. Name two literary gems of Qutubuddin Aibek’s court.
Answer: The two literary germs of Qutubuddin Aibak’s court were Hassan Ami and Mubang Shah.
2. When and between whom was the First Battle of Panipat fought?
Answer: The first battle of Panipat was faught between Babur and Ibrahim Lodi in 1526 AD.
3. Mention four social evils prevalent in the Hindu society during the Sultanate period.
Answer: The four social evils prevalent during the period of Delhi Sultanate were Sati system, child marriage, caste system and not allowing widow to remarry.
4. Mention four items which were exported from India.
Answer: The four items which were exported from India were rice, spices, Indigo and silk.
5. Name two Sultans who kept the Ulemas away from the administration.
Answer: Ala-au-din Khilji and Muhammad bin Tughluq.
E. Answer the following questions.
1. Describe the administrative reforms made by Iltutmish to strengthen his hold on Delhi Sultanate.
Answer: Iltutmish made many administrative reforms to strengthen his hold on Delhi Sultanate. He organised a group of 40 Turkish nobles known as Chalisha. He divided his empire into many Iqtas for administrative efficiency.
2. ‘Balban was a strong and capable ruler’. Support the statement by giving suitable arguments.
Answer: Balban was a strong and capable ruler. He suppressed all the opposition and created an atmosphere of obedience and patriotism towards the Sultanate. He was a Sultan who believed in complete justice. He did not spare any wrong doer whether a common man or noble. His darbar was very disciplined. Nobody could talk or laugh without his permission.
3. Explain briefly the economic reforms of Ala-ud-din Khalji.
Answer: Ala-ud-din fixed the maximum retail price of the goods of daily use. He also introduced grain storage and rationing system. There were different market places for different commodities. Severe punishment was given to those who weighed less or cheated the buyers in any way. Market controllers were appointed for strict supervision over the traders. He also reformed the Revenue System. Land revenue was fixed according to the size of land holding.
4. State the reforms made by Feroz Tughlaq to redress the grievances of the people.
Answer: The reforms of Feroz Tughlaq to redress the grievances of the people were:
- Old tanks were repaired and constructed many tanks and canals.
- land revenue varied used and Markets were opened to sell the surplus produce.
- He opened schools and gave grant to the scholars to promote literacy activities.
- He helped the poor Muslims.
- He laid 1200 fruit gardens around Delhi and founded new cities.
5. Describe Muhammad Tughlaq’s projects which failed.
Answer: Muhammad Tughlaq’s project which were failed:
- Transfer of capital from Delhi to Devgiri.
- Issuing token currency of copper coins.
- He imposed land tax in the doab area at 50% of the total produce.
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Thank tommorw is my final exam
In question answer of D.1 spelling of Azmi is wrong
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