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DAV Class 7 SST Chapter 10 Question Answer The Rise of Small Kingdoms in North India
DAV class 7 sst chapter 10 question answer The Rise of Small Kingdoms in North India is given below. Here DAV class 7 Social Science solutions is provided with great explanation.
A. Tick the correct option.
B. Fill in the blanks.
C. True or False.
D. Answer the following questions in brief.
E. Answer the following questions.
A. Tick the correct option.
1. Who was the author of Kaviragamarga?
Answer: Amoghavarsha
2. Vikramsheel Vihar, a centre for Buddhist education was established by
Answer: Dharampala
3. The Sun temple, known for its fine architecture, is situated at
Answer: Konark
4. Who among the following kings was elected by the people?
Answer: Gopala
5. Which one of the following temples was NOT constructed by the Paratiharas?
Answer: Mahabalipuram
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. Regional languages developed very fast under the rule of ___________, a Pratihara king.
2. ___________ was the real founder of Rashtrakuta empire.
3. The gift of land to the Brahmins was known as ___________ or ___________.
4. The Bhakti saints opposed ___________ and ___________.
5. The examples of the paintings of north India can be found in the form of ___________.
Answer: (1) King Mihir Bhoj (2) Dantidurga (3) Bramadeya, Agrahara (4) Superstitions, narrow-mindedness (5) murals
C. Write True or False for the following statements.
1. The kingdoms of Pratiharas and Palas rose in north India.
2. Govinda III was a Rashtrakuta ruler.
3. The Tripartite struggle involved the Rashtrakuta, the Pratihara and the Pala.
4. The four main clans of Rajputs are known as Agnikulas.
5. Mohammad Ghori came from Iran.
Answer: (1) True (2) True (3) True (4) True (5) False
D. Answer the following questions in brief.
1. Name the four main clans of the Rajputs.
Answer: Paramaras, Pratiharas, Chauhans and Chalukyas are the four main clans of the Rajputs.
2. Mention the titles taken by Rashtrakuta rulers.
Answer: The Rashtrakuta rulers took up the titles like Chakravarti, Maharajadhiraj and Param Bhattarak.
3. Who was Chand Bardai?
Answer: Chand Bardai was a poet who composed an epic poem, Prithviraj Raso, which narrates his bravery and heroism.
4. List the temples built by Pratihara rulers.
Answer: The beautiful temples of Khajuraho, Kanchipuram, Thanjavur, Bhubaneswar, Puri and Konark were built by the Pratihara rulers.
5. Give reasons for the decline of feudal system in north India.
Answer: The feudal system led to the decline of many empires as the feudal lords gave only a small part of the land revenue to the king.
E. Answer the following questions.
1. Why is the period after Harshavardhan’s death called a period of political instability?
Answer: After the death of Harshvardhana, the whole empire disintegrated into many small kingdoms due to the miserable economic condition and lack of proper administration by his weak successors. This was a period of political instability in north India.
2 Mention any five important features of the Rashtrakuta empire.
Answer: The five important features of the Rashtrakuta empire were:
- It was the most powerful empire in northern Deccan in 753 CE.
- This empire acted as a bridge between north and south India.
- The rulers of this empire were great warriors, art lovers and scholars.
- They maintained huge armies and encouraged trade for the prosperity of the people.
- They followed Jainism but patronised Buddhist Hindus and Muslims.
3. What is the contribution of the Pala dynasty in various fields?
Answer: After the death of Harsh, Bengal faced a lot of infighting among the small kingdoms. The people of Bengal elected Gopala as their king to maintain peace and order. He set up an empire, which ruled over for about 400 years.
Many scholars were sent to distant countries to spread Buddhism. They also gave generous grants to Brahmins to build temples. Palas were the great patrons of art, education and literature.
4. Mention any four famous features of the Pratiharas rule.
Answer: The four famous features of Pratiharas rule are:
- The beautiful temples of Khajuraho, Kanchipuram, Thanjavur, Bhubaneswar, Puri and Konark were built during the rule of the Pratiharas.
- The founder of this empire was Nagabhatta-I.
- The Pratihara kings were also great Partons of art and litiature.
- During this time, early forms of Marathi and Gujarati were spoken in western India. Bengali, Assamese and Oriya became popular in eastern India.
5. Describe the economic and social condition of north India during the medieval period.
Answer: the economic and social condition of north India during the medieval period are:
Economic condition – There was a great economic disparity among different social classes. The royal family, high officials and the traders were prosperous. The people living in villages were poor.
Social condition – The rigid caste system led to the division of Indian society. The king, the feudal lords and the brahmins in high positions, enjoyed a life of luxury. Land was cultivated mainly by shudras who were burdened by taxes and social discrimination. The condition of women was quite miserable.
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