If you are looking for DAV Class 7 English Literature Book Solutions Chapter 10 Friends and Flatterers by William Shakespeare, then you are at right place. Here at SOLUTIONGYAN, DAV Class 7 English Solutions of chapter 10 Friends and Flatterers exercises provided at the end of the chapter will be a useful resource for Class 7 English exams.
Here, we provide complete solutions of DAV class 7 English chapter 10 Friends and Flatterers by William Shakespeare of English Literature book. These exercise of English chapter 10 Friends and Flatterers contains 5 questions and the answers to them are provided in the DAV Class 7 English Literature Book Solutions Chapter 10 Friends and Flatterers.
Solutions of DAV Class 7 English chapter 10 Friends and Flatterers by William Shakespeare help to boost the writing skills of the students, along with their logical reasoning. Students can go through class 7 English Literature chapter 10 solutions to learn an effective way of expressing their answers in the exam.
DAV Class 7 English Chapter 10 Friends and Flatterers Solutions
DAV Class 7 English Literature Chapter 10 Friends and Flatterers Question Answer is given below. Here DAV Class 7 English Literature chapter 10 by William Shakespeare solutions is provided with great explanation.
DAV Solutions of Class 7 of English Literature Textbook is the best source for the students to self-analyse their performance. DAV Class 7 students are more likely to score good marks in English exam if they practise DAV Class 7 English Literature Book Solutions Chapter 10 Friends and Flatterers regularly.
DAV Class 7 English Literature Book Solutions Chapter 10
Understanding the Poem
A. Given below are some words from the poem in Column A and their meanings in Column B. Match the words with their correct meanings.

Answer: (a) 6, (b) 1, (c) 7, (d) 4, (e) 2, (f) 5, (g) 3.
B. A few expressions from the poem are given along with their possible meanings. Tick (✓) the meaning that you consider to be the most appropriate ones.
(a) words are easy
Answer: they don’t really mean what they say
(b) wherewith to spend
Answer: surplus money to spend
(c) fortunes once do frown
Answer: one loses the money one has
(d) crowns be scant
Answer: one becomes poor
C. Identify four pairs of rhyming words from the poem and find out the rhyme scheme of the poem.
Answer: Friend – Spend, Before – More, Frown – Renown, Weep – Sleep.
In the third stanza, the poet says, ‘Pity but he were a king.’
If a person is a king, why is he to be pitied?
Answer: If a person is extravagant and spends money without sparing a thought- everyone would like to be friends with him. They will even call him bountiful. Even if such a man is a king, he is to be pitied, because he doesn’t have a true friend. All his friends are fair weather friends.
Life Skills
Given below are some traits of sincere friends and flattering foes. Write them in proper columns given on the next page.
- points out your weaknesses in a fearless but decent manner
- praises you even for those qualities which you do not have
- cannot feel comfortable if you are in trouble
- shares with you the pain of your grief
- treats you as a king as long as you have money
- leaves you when your fortunes are low

There is a marked difference between the sincere appreciation of a faithful friend and the artificial flattery of a flattering foe. Discuss. Give examples of your personal experience. Refer to the poem ‘The Spider and the Fly’ also.
Answer: Flatterers have only their own interest in their mind. They are like fair weather friends. They will bend low for you, and will you make you feel on top of this world. Whereas true friends will not flatter. They will be straightforward with their comment. They will call spade – a spade.
In the poem ‘spider and the fly, we see how the spider praises the fly for its beautiful wings and eyes like diamond because he wants to trap her into a web.
Writing Skills
Imagine that you picked a quarrel with a classmate and said rather nasty things. One of your friends pointed out to you that the fault was yours and you should feel sorry for it. However, you were furious with your friend also for not taking your side. Later you realised your mistake. Write a letter to your friend saying that you are sorry.
A-485, New Ashoknagar
New Delhi
January 5, 2022
Dear Shubham,
I am writing this letter to you to express my apology for misunderstanding you. Now, I realize it was my fault because I picked up quarrel with Anuj, over such a petty issue. I said nasty things to him and you too. I know you pointed out my mistake because you are a true friend of mine. I was furious with you for nothing. I am really sorry for that. Hope you will forgive me. You are my true friend and I value your friendship greater than anything else in this world.
Yours truly
Very good. Ans
thanks for answers
Yes it very good and help in homework it makes answers easy
It’s very helpful ????????????
Thank you ☺️☺️ it’s very helpful for me
Answerwome sir,great knowledge have a nice day????
Thank for english solution it is very helpful for me
There are some gramatical mistake rather than this very nice
Thanks very helpful
Thanks for this
This is very nice and helpful for me they have grammatical mistake but they are use for DAV children. I am a teacher and I usually like your anser they point to point answer . It also helpful for children and teacher also .