We are here to provide you with the most accurate DAV Class 6 English Chapter 6 Solutions The Helpful Young Man with answers to all the questions of the English Literature textbook. These DAV Class 6 English Chapter 6 Solutions The Helpful Young Man have been crafted by our subject experts, keeping in mind the standards set forth by the DAV Public School.
To understand Chapter 6 The Helpful Young Man in a better way, students can refer to the DAV Class 6 English Literature Book Solutions The Helpful Young Man while answering the textbook problems.

DAV Class 6 English Literature Chapter 6 The Helpful Young Man Question Answer
DAV Class 6 English Chapter 6 The Helpful Young Man Solutions is given below. Here DAV Class 6 English Literature Chapter 6 Question Answer is provided with great explanation.
Answer the following questions briefly:
1. Why did the young man go to the remote sea?
Answer: The young man went to the remote sea to bring the eyes of the fish.
2. Why did the elder brothers become jealous of their youngest brother?
Answer: The elder brothers become jealous of the youngest brother because he thought that he would be heir to the father’s property.
3. How did the young man save the buck and the jackal?
Answer: The young man saved the buck’s live by hiding him inside the ditch and covering with him leaves and he also saved the Jackal from the hunters.
4. What proclamation had the princess of the strange palace made?
Answer: She had proclaimed that she would marry the man who could evade his reflection in the magic mirror.
5. How did the three animals-the fish, the buck and the jackal, repay the kindness of the young man?
Answer: Fish hide young woman in its stomach and went deep into the sea. The buck allowed him to sit on his horns and took him to the remote hills. The jackals made and underground tunnel show the princess bed and hide the young men under the princess bed. In this way all the three animals repay the kindness of the young man.
6. How did the young man finally conquer the princess?
Answer: At last young man hide himself under princess bed. She could not trace him. She smashed the mirror and accepted her defeat. Then she finally agreed to marry with young man.
B. Given below in the boxes is the story you have read in a jumbled form. Rearrange the jumbled sentences and reconstruct the story in your notebook. Also mark the route of the young man’s adventurous journey in the map given on page 35.
1. Goes to the ocean to fetch the fish.
2. Cures his father’s eyes with magical sand.
3. Leaves his home and goes away to a forest.
4. Helps a buck and a jackal.
5. Reaches a strange palace and meets the princess.
6. Accept the princess’s challenge.
7. Goes to the fish for help.
8. Goes to the buck for help.
9. Goes to the Jackal for help.
10. Heights in a tunnel under the princess bed.
11. The Princess accepts her defeat.
12. Gets married to the princess.
Why did the princess allow the young man extra chances to hide himself?
Answer: The Princess was very cruel and overconfident. She thinks that no one can defeat her. With her this overconfidence she thinks that the young man will be defeated by her. The young man appeared to be interesting for her so she gives him a few more chances.
Life Skills
Given below are some adjectives. On the basis of your comprehension of the story, put these in appropriate boxes under suitable characters. You can also add some more adjectives.
Clever, kind, cowardly, daring, honest, helpful, brave, courageous, intelligent, cruel, greedy, Jealous, wicked, beautiful.
The young man: Kind, Brave, Courageous, daring, honest, helpful, intelligent.
His brothers: cruel, greedy, Jealous, wicked.
The three animals: Clever, kind, intelligent, honest, helpful.
The princess: wicked, beautiful, cruel, greedy.
Which of these qualities enabled the young man to succeed in life?
Answer: Kind, Brave, Courageous, daring, honest, helpful, intelligent These qualities helped the young man to succeed in life.
A. How did the young man’s goodness fetch him support in the time of need?
Answer: At first young man helped a fish who helped him by hiding him in her stomach. Then he helped a buck who helped him by taking him to the remote hills. At last, he helped a jackal in return the Jackal also hide him under the princess bed.
B. Have you ever helped anyone in distress? Get into groups of four. Take turns to describe how you helped the needy ones.
Answer: When I was in Class 4 there was a new student whose name was Rahul. When he got admission in the school, the exam was near to start but his work was not done. I helped him in completing his work.
Writing Skills
Imagine yourself to be a minister of the princess. Write a notice informing everyone about the strange condition laid down by the princess for her marriage.
Strange Palace
01 Nov 2021
Marriage Proposal
It is hereby informed that the princess has decided to marry the man who could evade his reflection in the magic mirror. But he would be beheaded if traced in the mirror. Interested man can register their names before 15 November, 2021. For more details, please contact the undersigned.
Minister of the princess
Please give me your number ???? please sir ????????????
Yes sir please
This is very important to my study
Yes sir plezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzze