If you are looking for DAV Class 5 Science Chapter 9 Question Answer Fuels, then you are at right place. Here at SOLUTIONGYAN.Com, DAV Class 5 Science solutions of chapter 9 Fuels exercises provided at the end of the chapter will be a useful resource for DAV Class 5 Science exams.
Here, we provide complete solutions of DAV Class 5 Science Chapter 9 Fuels of My Living World science book. These exercise of Science chapter 9 contains 5 questions (Fill in the blanks, Tick the correct option, True or False, etc.) and the answers to them are provided in the DAV Class 5 Science Chapter 9 Question Answer Fuels.

Solutions of DAV Class 5 Science chapter 9 Fuels is help to boost the writing skills of the students, along with their logical reasoning. Students can go through class 5 Science chapter 9 question answers to learn an effective way of expressing their solutions in the exam.
DAV Class 5 Science Chapter 9 Fuels Solutions
DAV Class 5 Science Chapter 9 Fuels Solutions is given below. Here DAV Class 5 Science chapter 9 question answer is provided with great explanation.
- Fill in the blanks
- Write True or False
- Tick the correct option
- Answer the following questions in brief
- Answers the following questions
DAV question answer of Class 5 of My Living World Science Textbook is the best source for the students to self-analyse their performance. DAV Class 5 students are more likely to score good marks in Science exam if they practise DAV Class 5 Science Chapter 9 Question Answer Fuels regularly.
DAV Class 5 Science Chapter 9 Question Answer
A. Fill in the blanks.
1. ___________ acts as fuel for our body.
2. Cowdung cake has been often used as a ___________ fuel.
3. Aeroplanes use highly refined ___________ based fuel.
4. ___________ is a better green fuel.
5. Petrol and ___________ are fossil fuels used for transportation.
6. Solar energy is a ___________ source of energy.
Answer: (1) Food (2) domestic (3) kerosene (4) CNG (5) diesel (6) renewable.
B. Write True or False for the following statements.
1. LPG is used as a domestic fuel.
2. Some train engines run on diesel.
3. Powerhouses burn CNG to generate electricity
4. Coal is a renewable source of energy.
5. We should use public transport to help reduce environmental pollution.
Answer: (1) True (2) True (3) False (4) False (5) True.
C. Tick the correct option.
1. Out of the following, the fuel, that is best for reducing environmental pollution, is-
Answer: compressed natural gas
2. A good fuel is one that-
Answer: does not produce smoke or leave ash.
3. A fuel, that is not obtained by refining petroleum, is-
Answer: biogas
4. Out of the following, the energy source, that is a renewable energy source, is-
Answer: wind
5. Coal, a common fossil fuel, is formed-
Answer: by decay of vegetation, under heat and high pressure, over a long period of time.
D. Answer the following questions in brief.
1. State the main function of a fuel.
Answer: Main function of a fuel is to give energy.
2. Give one example each of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels.
Answer: one example each of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels are:
- Solid fuel – coal
- Liquid fuel – Petrol
- Gaseous fuel – CNG
3. Why is biogas regarded as a better fuel than cowdung cakes?
Answer: Biogas regarded as a better fuel than cow dung cakes as it does not produce smoke on burning and does not leave any ash after burning.
4. Why is CNG called a better green fuel?
Answer: CNG is called a better green fuel because it causes less air pollution, is more eco-friendly and causes less harm to the health of humans and animals.
5. Name the three main fossil fuels.
Answer: Coal, Petroleum and Natural gas.
6. State two disadvantages of fossil fuels.
Answer: Two disadvantages of fossil fuels are as follows:
- Fossil fuels are major cause of environmental pollution.
- Burning of fossil fuels produce gases such as carbon dioxide that causes global warming.
E. Answers the following questions.
1. How have fossil fuels been formed?
Answer: Fossil fuels are formed by decomposition of animal and plant matter buried deep under the surface of earth at the high temperature and pressure prevailing there.
2. When is a source of energy said to be a renewable source of energy? Give two examples of such sources.
Answer: A source of energy which is freely available and can be readily replenished is called renewable source of energy.
Examples – solar energy, wind energy.
3. When is a source of energy said to be a non-renewable source of energy? Give two examples of such sources.
Answer: A source of energy which once used, cannot be readily replenished is called non-renewable source of energy.
Examples – Coal, Petroleum.
4. How is coal used by powerhouses for generating electricity?
Answer: Powerhouses often burn coal to convert water into steam. This steam energy is used to operate turbines which generate electricity.
5. Why should efforts need to be made to reduce the use of fossil fuels?
Answer: Efforts need to be made to reduce the use of fossil fuels because fossil fuels are available in limited quantity and are not likely to last for a long time. They are also a major cause of environmental pollution.
Thanks for all Q/A
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The answer eas correct ????????????…….