If you are looking for DAV Class 5 Science Chapter 6 Question Answer Spoilage and Wastage of Food and Food Preservation, then you are at right place. Here at SOLUTIONGYAN.Com, DAV Class 5 Science of chapter 6 exercises provided at the end of the chapter will be a useful resource for DAV Class 5 Science exams.
Here, we provide complete solutions of DAV Class 5 Science Chapter 6 Spoilage and Wastage of Food and Food Preservation of My Living World science book. These exercise of Science chapter 6 contains 5 questions and the answers to them are provided in the DAV Class 5 Science Chapter 6 Question Answer Spoilage and Wastage of Food and Food Preservation.

Solutions of DAV Class 5 Science chapter 6 Spoilage and Wastage of Food and Food Preservation is help to boost the writing skills of the students, along with their logical reasoning. Students of class 5 can go through Science chapter 6 question answers to learn an effective way of expressing their answer in the DAV exam.
DAV Class 5 Science Chapter 6 Spoilage and Wastage of Food and Food Preservation Solutions
DAV Class 5 Science Chapter 6 Spoilage and Wastage of Food and Food Preservation Solutions is given below. Here DAV Class 5 Science chapter 6 question answer is provided with great explanation.
- Fill in the blanks
- Write True or False
- Tick the correct option
- Answer the following questions in brief
- Answers the following questions
DAV question answer of Class 5 of My Living World Science Textbook is the best source for the students to self-analyse their performance. DAV Class 5 students are more likely to score good marks in Science exam if they practise DAV Class 5 Science Chapter 6 Question Answer Spoilage and Wastage of Food and Food Preservation regularly.
DAV Class 5 Science Chapter 6 Question Answer
A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Micro-organisms like bacteria and ___________ spoil the food.
2. Insects make their home in ___________ and ___________ place.
3. Enzymes can be harmful because they can cause ___________ of fruits and vegetables.
4. Snacks, like biscuits and chips, should be stored in ___________ jars.
5. The growth of micro-organisms slows down at ___________ temperatures.
Answer: (1) fungi (2) moist, dark (3) spoilage (4) air tight (5) low.
B. Write True or False for the following statements.
1. Growth of bread moulds, on bread, indicates that it has got spoiled.
2. Vinegar is used as a preservative.
3. It is safe to drink unpastuerised milk.
4 We can eat more than the required quantity
5 We may eat spoiled food rather than wasting
Answer: (1) True (2) True (3) False (4) False (5) False.
C. Tick the correct option.
1. A natural insect repellant, found in our kitchens, is-
Answer: turmeric powder
2. Dry foods, like cereals and nuts, are preserved by-
Answer: vacuum packing
3. Fruits and vegetables get ripened due to the action of-
Answer: enzymes
4. The least perishable food item, from the following, is-
Answer: biscuits
5. The chances of spoilage of food can be reduced by keeping the food-
Answer: at low temperatures
D. Answer the following questions in brief.
1. State two factors that contribute to the fast growth of micro-organisms.
Answer: Moisture and temperature are the two factors that contribute to the fast growth of micro-organisms.
2. What is likely to happen to curd if it is not stored in the refrigerator?
Answer: If curd is not stored in refrigerator, it will get spoiled quickly.
3. What do you understand by food, preservation?
Answer: The process of treating, or handling, food to stop, or slow down, its spoilage or decay.
4. How can we protect our food from insects, worms and rats?
Answer: We can protect our food from insects, worms and rats by keeping the kitchen shelves and container clean and dry.
5. Why does food stay fresh for a longer time when stored in a refrigerator?
Answer: When food is kept in refrigerator, it lowers the temperature. Low-temperature prevents the growth of microorganisms. Thus, food stays fresh for a longer time.
E. Answers the following questions.
1. Give any three reasons for spoilage of food.
Answer: Following are the three reasons for spoilage of food:
- Micro-organisms
- Enzymes
- Insects, worms and rats
2. How is food preservation useful to us?
Answer: Food preservation is useful to us in the following ways:
- It helps to maintain nutritive value of food.
- It increases the shelf life of food, thus, increasing its supply.
- It makes seasonal fruits available throughout the year.
- It decreases wastage of food by preventing decay or spoilage of food.
- It helps in adding variety to the diet.
3. Why is it important to check the manufacturing and the expiry date of packaged food items before consuming them?
Answer: It is necessary to check the manufacturing and the expiry date of packaged food items because if the food reaches its expiry, it develops toxins which may result in food poisoning.
4 Explain the following methods of food preservation:
(a) Dehydration
Answer: It is the process in which water content of the food stuff is removed. Many vegetables like onions and cauliflower are dried to preserve them.
(b) Canning and Bottling
Answer: It is the process of preserving food like fruit jams and pickles by packing them into glass jars or tin cans and then heating the jars to kill the microorganisms that would create spoilage.
(c) Pasteurisation
Answer: The process of heating food followed by immediate cooling, to limit the growth of microorganisms. The temperature used during pasteurization is 100 degrees Celsius.
5. Rakesh bought two raw papayas. He kept one papaya in the refrigerator and other papaya on the kitchen shelf. Which will ripen first and why?
Answer: The papaya which will be kept on the kitchen shelf will ripen first as enzymes present in fruit are more active at room temperature rather than in the refrigerator.
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