DAV Solutions for Class 8 Science the living world book is an extremely essential study tool for DAV students studying in Class 8. DAV Science Book Solutions for Class 8 are framed by Science teachers to help students in their exam preparation and to clear doubts instantly.
With solutiongyan study material and Solutions of DAV Science Class 8 Book, students can get the answers to the questions provided in the textbook. Our solutions help you in understanding the concepts in a much better way and to prepare for the examinations.

DAV Solutions of Science for Class 8 provided here present you with answers to the textbook questions along with MCQs, long and short answering questions. Solving the living world book questions will help you to prepare notes and to understand the concept thoroughly.
If you have trouble in understanding a topic related to Science, you can verify the answers to the questions given at the end of each topic of DAV Class 8 Science book.
Chapterwise DAV Class 8 Science Solutions
DAV Class 8 Science Solutions is given below. You have to just click on the chapter wise links given below to see the solutions for the respective chapter.
- Chapter 1 The Cell – Its Structure and Functions
- Chapter 2 Microorganisms: Friends or Foes
- Chapter 3 Metals and Non-Metals
- Chapter 4 Force and Pressure
- Chapter 5 Friction
- Chapter 6 Sources of Energy
- Chapter 7 Combustion
- Chapter 8 Conservation of Plants and Animals
- Chapter 9 Crop Production and Its Management
- Chapter 10 Refraction and Dispersion of Light
- Chapter 11 The Human Eye
- Chapter 12 Sound
- Chapter 13 Synthetic Fibres and Plastics
- Chapter 14 Reproduction in Animals
- Chapter 15 Reaching the Age of Adolescence
- Chapter 16 Electric Current and Its Chemical Effects
- Chapter 17 Stars and Solar System
- Chapter 18 Earthquakes
- Chapter 19 Pollution of Air
- Chapter 20 Pollution of Water
DAV Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter Brief
Here is the list of DAV Class 8 Science chapters with brief introduction.
Chapter 1 The Cell – Its Structure and Functions
In this Chapter, we will study about the variety in the shape, size, structure and functions of the cells of different organisms.
Chapter 2 Microorganisms: Friends or Foes
In this chapter, we will study about Microorganisms, types of Microorganisms, where do Microorganisms live? Role of Microorganisms in our life, etc.
Chapter 3 Metals and Non-Metals
DAV Class 8 Science Chapter 3 describes the physical and chemical properties of metals and non-metals. Following topics covered in this chapter are classification of elements, physical properties, chemical properties, reactivity of metals, noble metals, and uses of metals and non-metals in details.
Chapter 4 Force and Pressure
Chapter 4 of class 8 science deals with force and pressure. In this chapter, we shall study about force, effects of force, balanced and unbalanced forces, types of forces, pressure in details.
Chapter 5 Friction
This chapter deals with friction. In this chapter, you will study about cause of friction, factors affecting friction, methods of increasing friction, methods of reducing friction, etc.
Chapter 6 Sources of Energy
Chapter 6 deals with sources of energy. In this chapter, you will study about classification of sources of energy, fossil fuels, wood as a fuel, coal, types of coal, petroleum, natural gas, etc. in details.
Chapter 7 Combustion
Chapter 12 is about combustion. In this chapter, we shall study about types of combustion, fire control, what happens when there is incomplete combustion? Fuel and calorific value, harmful effects of fuels. It has been beautifully explained with the help of activities.
Chapter 8 Conservation of Plants and Animals
This chapter of class 8 science book is about conservation of plants and animals. In this chapter, you will study about domestic consequences of deforestation, global consequences of deforestation, conservation of forests and wildlife in details.
Chapter 9 Crop Production and Its Management
DAV class 8 science chapter 9 deals with crop production and its management. Following topics covered in this chapter are food from plants, agricultural practices, soil replenishment and crop improvement.
Chapter 10 Refraction and Dispersion of Light
In this chapter, we will study about refraction of light, cause of refraction of light, rules of refraction, dispersion of white light by a glass prism, lenses, three special rays for lenses and applications of lenses.
Chapter 11 The Human Eye
In chapter 11, we shall study about Human eye, how do we see colours? Working of the human eye, care of the eye, visually challenged persons, braille system in details.
Chapter 12 Sound
Chapter 12 of class 8 science deals with sound. In this chapter, you will study about sounds and vibration, propagation of sound, amplitude, time period and frequency of a vibration, loudness and pitch of a sound, noise and music, noise pollution, sources of noise pollution, effects of noise pollution on health, etc.
Chapter 13 Synthetic Fibres and Plastics
In previous class, we have learnt about fibres like jute, cotton, wool and silk. This chapter deals with synthetic fibres and plastics.
Chapter 14 Reproduction in Animals
Reproduction is the ability of the living organisms to produce young ones similar to themselves. It is one of the most important characteristics of life. In class 7, you have learnt about reproduction in plants. Let us now study about reproduction in animals.
Chapter 15 Reaching the Age of Adolescence
Chapter 15 of class 8 science is about reaching the age of adolescence. This chapter is very important for exam. In this chapter, you will study about sexual development, the endocrine system and reproductive health in details.
Chapter 16 Electric Current and Its Chemical Effects
This Chapter of class 8 science deals with electric current and its chemical effects. Electric Current and Its Chemical Effects is the fundamental topic that is required to be understood to avoid difficulty in all your future endeavors.
Chapter 17 Stars and Solar System
DAV solutions for class 8 science chapter 17 Stars and Solar System is very important and interesting topic included in class 8 science dav syllabus. It is a very important topic from the perspective of entrance exams.
Chapter 18 Earthquakes
In this chapter, we will study about what is earthquakes? What is the cause of an earthquake? what happen when it occurs? What can we do to minimize its effect?
Chapter 19 Pollution of Air
In Chapter 19 of DAV class 8 science, we will study about pollution, causes of air pollution. We also study about greenhouse effect and causes of increase in concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere in details.
Chapter 20 Pollution of Water
This chapter deals with water pollution. In class seven, we learnt that water is a precious resource. We also learnt about the scarcity of water and its causes. Water pollution is one of the most common topics that are repeatedly asked in the class 8 examination.
Features of DAV Solutions of Science for Class 8
- The solutions are easy to understand and are provided in simple words.
- These solutions include chapter-wise solutions to Class 8 Science textbook questions.
- Diagrams are included for better understanding.
- DAV Class 8 Science Solutions are given in a step-by-step manner to help students understand each concept easily.
Frequently Asked Questions on DAV Solutions for Class 8 Science
Is the DAV Solutions for Class 8 Science sufficient?
The DAV Solutions for Class 8 Science is designed in such a way that the students can grasp the concepts easily.
Can I score full marks using the DAV Solutions for Class 8 Science?
Yes, you can score full marks in the Class 8 exam using the DAV Solutions from solutiongyan.
What are the advantages of using the DAV Solutions for Class 8 Science?
The solutions are easy to understand and are provided in simple words. Diagrams are included for better understanding.