DAV class 8 Naitik Shiksha chapter 19 question answer Rashtriya Geet are given below to help the students to answer the questions correctly using logical approach and methodology.
Here, we provide complete solutions of DAV Class 8 Naitik Shiksha chapter 19 Rashtriya Geet of Naitik Shiksha Textbook. These exercise of Naitik Shiksha chapter 19 contains 2 questions and the answers to them are provided in the DAV Class 8 Naitik Shiksha Chapter 19 Question Answer Rashtriya Geet.
DAV Class 8 students are more likely to score good marks in Naitik Shiksha exam if they practise DAV Class 8 Naitik Shiksha Chapter 19 Rashtriya Geet Question Answer regularly.

DAV Class 8 Naitik Shiksha Chapter 19 Rashtriya Geet Solutions
DAV Class 8 Naitik Shiksha Chapter 19 Rashtriya Geet Solutions is given below. Here DAV Class 8 Naitik Shiksha Chapter 19 Rashtriya Geet question answer is provided with detailed explanation.
DAV solutions for class 8 Naitik Shiksha provide up-to-date and comprehensive coverage of the M. ED curriculum specified by the DAV Public School. DAV Class 8 Naitik Shiksha solutions are specially written for students who want to get excellent marks in their exams.
Solutions of DAV Class 8 Naitik Shiksha chapter 19 is help to boost the writing skills of the students, along with their logical reasoning. Students of class 8 can go through Naitik Shiksha chapter 19 Rashtriya Geet solutions to learn an effective way of expressing their answer in the Naitik Shiksha exam.
DAV Class 8 Naitik Shiksha Chapter 19 Question Answer
1. इस गीत में भारतमाता के स्वरूप को कैसा बताया गया है?
उत्तर: इस गीत में भारतमाता को सुन्दर जल वाली, सुन्दर फलों वाली, चन्दन से शीतल, खेती से हरी-भरी, स्वच्छ चाँदनी से प्रसन्न रात वाली, खिले हुए फूलों वाले वृक्षों से शोभा देने वाली, सुन्दर हास वाली, मधुर बोलने वाली, सुख देने वाली, वर देने वाली बताया गया है।
2. भारतभूमि को माता क्यों कहा गया है?
उत्तर: भारतभूमि को चंदन से शीतल, खेती से हरी-भरी, स्वच्छ चाँदनी से प्रसन्न रात वाली, सुन्दर हास वाली, मधुर बोलने वाली, सुख देने वाली, वर देने वाली के कारण माता कहा गया है।
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