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DAV Class 7 SST Chapter 1 Question Answer Components of Environment
DAV class 7 sst Book question answer chapter 1 Components of Environment is given below. Here class 7 Social Science Question Answer is provided with great explanation.
A. Tick the correct option.
B. Give a single term for each of the following sentences.
C. Match the following:
D. Answer the following questions in brief.
E. Answer the following questions.
A. Tick the correct option.

B. Give a single term for each of the following sentences.
1. A situation or condition in which an organism lives.
2. The only planet in our solar system where life exists.
3. The uppermost part of the lithosphere which is rich in silica and aluminium.
4. Sial The sphere of air that envelopes the earth.
5. Mass of water on the earth’s surface.
Answer: (1) Biosphere(2) Earth(3) Sial(4) Atmosphere (5) Hydrosphere
C. Match the following:
1. Physical environment includes a. Atmosphere
2. It is the most dynamic in nature b. Human beings
3. A narrow zone supporting life c. Non-living things
4. They are capable of modifying
environment d. Biosphere
5. Rocks rich in silica and
magnesium e. Sima
Answer: 1. (c),2. (a), 3. (d), 4. (b), 5. (e)
D. Answer the following questions in brief.
1. Name the major components of the environment.
Answer: Physical environment and biological environment are the major components of the environment.
2. What is meant by Sima and Sial?
Answer: The uppermost part of the lithosphere is composed of rocks rich in silica and aluminium called sial. Below the sial layer, the rocks are mainly rich in silica and magnesium and are called sima.
3. Mention the distribution of water in the Northern and Southern hemispheres.
Answer: The distribution of water is not uniform in both the Northern and the Southern Hemispheres. It is estimated that 43 % of the total area covered by water lies in the Northern Hemisphere whereas the remaining 57 % lies in the Southern Hemisphere.
4. Give the literal meaning of four spheres of environment.
(1) Atmosphere – ‘the sphere of air’
(2) Lithosphere – ‘the sphere of rocks’
(3) Hydrosphere – ‘the sphere of water’
(4) Biosphere – ‘the sphere of life’.
5. What is the atmosphere composed of?
Answer: The atmosphere is composed of a mixture of gases like oxygen, nitrogen, Carbon dioxide, hydrogen, etc, which forms an envelope around the earth.
E. Answer the following questions.
1. Differentiate between the physical and the biological environment.
Answer: The Physical environment includes all non-living things like land, water and air. While, The Biological environment includes all living things, such as plants and animals.
2. Why is the earth called the ‘Blue Planet’?
Answer: The Earth is called the Blue Planet because of abundance of water on its surface. The water bodies that include rivers, lakes, seas and oceans cover 71 per cent of the earth’s surface.
3. Define biosphere. Why is it important for us?
Answer: The word ‘biosphere’ literally means the ‘sphere of life’. Biosphere is the narrow zone of contact between all the three spheres of environment where all kinds of life exist. Therefore, it is important for us.
4. Explain with the help of an example how physical and biological components of the environment are interdependent.
Answer: The physical and the biological components of the environment are interdependent and cannot be separated. Any major change in the physical environment is bound to bring a change in the accompanying biological environment. For example, the development of soil takes years together and cannot be visualised through our senses. On the other hand, some changes are very sudden, like the changes brought about by the occurrence of an earthquake or volcano, etc.
5. Explain two ways in which human beings are disturbing the natural environment.
Answer: The two ways in which human beings are disturbing the natural environment are:
- Forests are being cutting on a large scale which disturbs the environment.
- The pollution is being increasing day by day.
Very good ????
1. Why is nutrition important for a living organism?
Nutrition is important because it enable living organisms to build their bodies to grow, to repair damaged parts of their bodies to provide the energy to carry out life process.
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Nutrition is important for a living organisms because it help to build their bodies,to grow,to repair damaged body parts of their bodies and to provide the energy to carry out life process
Nutrition is important for living organisms beacuse-
To get energy
To build our body
To grow
To carry out life processes.
Why the distribution of water in Northern and southern hemisphere is not uniformed?
Dhanyavad thank you very much.
Nutrients help break down food to give organisms energy.It provides energy to perform various physical activities performed by muscles. It helps with complete body growth. It helps to repair and replace damaged parts of the body. It protects us from infections and diseases.
Very nice I checked all solutions are 100% Correct. Me a teacher
The nutrients are important for a living organism because nutrients enable living organisms to build their bodies,to grow,to repair damaged parts of their body and to provide the energy to carry out life process.
Nutrients are chemical substances found in every living thing on Earth. They are necessary to the lives of people, plants, animals, and all other organisms. Nutrients help break down food to give organisms energy. They are used in every process of an organism’s body.
Nutrition is important for all living organisms for growth and life processing
nutrition is important for living organisnm because it gives us energy and help us to repair our damaiged body parts
Thanks for giving this , I get so much help with this,can you send chapter 2
Hey there is a mistake in D part ANS no 3 you write 53 percent but there is 57 write it correctly
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No it has given correctly….
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Insect eating plants are called________plants
Nice But Please Try To Add Naitik Shiksha,English Practice Book
This is very helpful to me in my final
sir If the QNO.B1 could be HABITANT then it would be more better
It would be biosphere only
Please give some extra question answers.
Very nice
Very good
you are from our school
excellent thank you so much.I am READIN in D.A.V Motihari
this was very helpful for me .thank you so much .
It is a good learning website for kids
Thanks sir
Very helpful website ????
Very much Thanks to you????????????????????????
This all answer is very nice for kids
Very good answer of this chapter
Bhai sab pagal hai kya social science mai ko science puchta hai sab maha pagal hai????????????????????
Very good and nice question answer ????????????????????