DAV Class 7 Science Chapter 17 Solutions Electric Current and Its Effects
Student who are looking for DAV class 7 Science chapter 17 solutions Electric Current and Its Effects then you are at right place. With the help of DAV class 7 Science book solutions chapter 17 Electric Current and Its Effects, you can easily grasp basic concepts better and faster. It is a perfect guide to help you to score good marks in class seven school examination.
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Class 7 Science Chapter 17 Electric Current and Its Effects
DAV class 7 Science chapter 17 Electric Current and Its Effects question answer is given below. Here DAV class 7 Science book solutions is provided with great explanation. In this chapter we will solve long and short question answer, fill in the blanks, true or false and tick the correct option.
D. Answer the following questions in brief.
E. Answer the following questions.
DAV Class 7 Science Chapter 17 Fill in The Blanks
DAV class 7 Science chapter 17 Electric Current and Its Effects Fill in the blanks is given below.
1. When current is switched on, an electric fan converts ___________ energy (mainly) into ___________ energy.
2. When current is switched ‘on’ in a room heater, it converts ___________ energy into ___________energy.
3. We prefer a wire of ___________ for making the heating element in domestic appliances like the electric iron, electric heater and the electric toaster.
4. A safety device, based on the heating effect of current is the ___________.
5. Electromagnet should show rapid ___________ when the current is switched ___________.
Answer: (1) electric, mechanical (2) electric, heat (3) nichrome (4) electric fuse (5) magnetic field, ON
DAV Class 7 Science Chapter 17 True or False
1. An electric current can produce a heating effect but not a magnetic effect.
2. The heating coils/elements of different electrical appliances are usually made from copper or aluminium wires.
3. When the current through a fuse wire exceeds its specified value, the fuse wire melts and breaks.
4. Connecting many devices in a single socket is not likely to cause any problem in a circuit.
5. The strength of an electromagnet can be increased by decreasing the number of turns of its coil.
Answer: (1) False (2) False (3) True (4) False (5) False
C. Tick the correct option.
1. When electric current flows through a filament of electric bulb, the filament gives out–
Answer: both heat and light energy
2. A fuse wire is a wire of-
Answer: high resistivity and low melting point.
3. We are more likely to observe a strong magnetic effect with a-
Answer: current carrying circular coil of many turns wound on a soft iron core.
4. A common household device, that uses an electromagnet in its working, is-
Answer: the electric bell
5. A good electromagnet would-
Answer: act like a magnet when the current is ‘ON’ but would not do so when the current is ‘OFF’.
DAV Class 7 Science Chapter 17 Question Answer
1. The bulb in the circuit shown in figure does not glow. Why? Redraw the circuit diagram by making the necessary changes in it, so that the bulb starts glowing.

Answer: The bulb in the circuit shown in figure does not glow because, switch is in off position and the cells are not connected properly.

2. Name three practical devices based on the heating effect of current.
Answer: (i) Electric iron (ii) geyser (iii) Electric heater
3. Write two special characteristics of the wire needed for making the ‘element’ of an electric heater.
Answer: The two special characteristics of the wire are –
- It should have high resistivity.
- It should have high melting point.
4. Give the meaning of the terms ‘short circuiting’ and ‘overloading’ in an electric circuit?
Answer: overloading: connection of more than one device/appliance to a single socket.
short circuit: touching of the live and neutral wire, due to faulty insulation.
5. Do you think an electromagnet can be used for separating plastic bags from a garbage heap? Explain.
Answer: An electromagnet cannot be used for separating plastic bags from a garbage heap because, plastics are non-magnetic materials. So, it will not attract by the magnet.
6. State any three applications of an electromagnet.
Answer: Three applications of an electromagnet are –
a) Electromagnets are used in electric bells and loudspeakers.
b) It is also used in mobile crane to lift and transfer heavy iron rods & machinery.
c) Many toys also have electromagnets inside them.
E. Answer the following questions.
1. The same amount of current flows through the connecting wires and the bulb filament. However, it is only the filament that glows. Why?
Answer: The metal filament of an electric bulb is usually made up of tungsten wire which has very high resistance therefore it becomes red hot and start glowing. While connecting wire has low resistance thus it does not heated up.
2. The brightness of light, emitted by a bulb, is observed to decrease when an electric heater is connected in series with it. Suggest the likely reason for this observation.
Answer: The brightness of light, emitted by a bulb, is observed to decrease when an electric heater is connected in series with it because voltage across the bulb decreases as compared to the previous situation.
3. Suggest an experimental set up to illustrate the action of an electric fuse.
Answer: Take two nails and connect them in the circuit shown in the diagram. Connect the top of nails with aluminium wire and then turn on the switch. As the current start flowing in the circuit, the aluminium wire burns quickly. This is the way; an electric fuse works.

4. A novice electrician, while carrying out some repairs in Sumit’s house, tried to put a piece of tungsten wire in a ‘fuse. Sumit’s father, on noticing this, stopped him from doing so. Give reasons as to why he did that.
Answer: Tungsten should not be used in the fuse because it has very high melting point. A fuse should have low melting point so that it can burn up when the current exceeds the normal limit.
5. Draw a labelled diagram of an electric bell and explain its working.
Answer: labelled diagram of an electric bell

Working of an electric bell
- When current flows through the electromagnet it acquires magnetism and attract the armature.
- As the armature bends towards the electromagnet, the gong is struck. But at the same time contact between armature and contact screw gets broken and the circuit gets switched off.
- As the current flow stops, the electromagnet loses it magnetism. It, therefore, no longer attracts the armature.
- The armature gets pulled back to its original position by spring action. It, now, again comes in contact with the contact screw; the circuit gets completed again. The cycle repeats itself and the gong gets struck again. This, in turn, again breaks the circuit.
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Very nice. Good going .
To good answer and question writing language
Very nice solution but very long answers given please try to give shot answer
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Your answers are always correct and good. So I always take answers from your website.
Thank you
This is very amazing all the answers are correct and to the point.
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Thank you so much
Your answer are always right I match this answers to book it is matching. Thanks a lot.
Very nice and appropriate answers
It is not red hot its white hot
Verry good????
Cool, all the ans are accurate and match the textbooks. Just a few grammatical errors.