Student who are looking for DAV Class 7 Science chapter 14 solutions Fabric from Fibre then you are at right place. With the help of DAV class 7 Science solutions, you can easily grasp basic concepts better and faster. It is a perfect guide to help you to score good marks in DAV school examination.
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DAV Class 7 Science Chapter 14 Solutions Fabric from Fibre
DAV class 7 Science chapter 14 solutions Fabric from Fibre question answer is given below. Here DAV class 7 Science solutions is provided with great explanation.
A. Fill in the blanks.
B. True or False.
C. Tick the correct option.
D. Answer the following questions in brief.
E. Answer the following questions.
A. Fill in the blanks.
1. The hairy body coat of sheep and goat is called ___________.
2. Shaving off the body coat of sheep is called ___________.
3. Cleaning of fleece to remove dirt and grease is called ___________.
4. The process of separating hair, of different textures, from the fleece, is called ___________.
5. The rearing of silkworms to obtain silk is called ___________.
6. ___________ is the process of separating silk fibres from cocoons.
7. The silk thread is made up of ___________.
Answer: (1) fleece (2) shearing (3) scouring (4) sorting (5) sericulture (6) Reeling (7) protein
B. Write True or False for the following statements.
1. Synthetic fibres are manufactured in factories.
2. Air is a good conductor of heat.
3. Scouring is the process of removal of fleece of sheep.
4. The process, of twisting of raw and dyed fibre, is known as sorting.
5. Silkworm’s feed on mulberry leaves.
6. The larvae secrete very fine filaments made of protein.
7. Reeling is the process of getting silk fibres from cocoons.
Answer: (1) True (2) False (3) False (4) False (5) True (6) True (7) True
C. Tick the correct option.
1. The process, of removing fleece along with a very thin layer of dead skin of sheep, is called
Answer: shearing
2. Which of the following animals does not yield wool?
Answer: buffaloe
3. The caterpillars of silkworms feed on
Answer: mulberry leaves
4. The egg of a silk moth hatches into a
Answer: caterpillar
5. The process of taking out silk threads from the cocoon is called
Answer: reeling
D. Answer the following questions in brief.
1. Name three animals whose fleece is used for making woollen fibres.
Answer: sheep, goat and camel
2. Name three common varieties of wool.
Answer: angora, pashmina & shahtoosh
3. Give the meaning of the term: ‘sorting:
Answer: the process of separating hair of different textures from the fleece.
4. Define the term: ‘sericulture.
Answer: the process of rearing of silkworms for obtaining silk.
5. How is silk fibre obtained from cocoon?
Answer: silk fibre is obtained from cocoon by the process of reeling, in which cocoons are exposed to steam and then silk fibres are separate out.
6. Name two countries in which silk is produced on a large scale.
Answer: China and India.
E. Answer the following questions.
1. How do woollen clothes keep us warm in winter?
Answer: It is because wool traps air. Since air is a poor conductor of heat, it does not allow our body heat to escape. This keeps our body warm during winters.
2. Describe the purpose of ‘scouring’ in the production of wool?
Answer: The Purpose of scouring is to remove dirt and grease present in the sheared fleece by washing it in hot water and detergent.
3. State the practical uses of the (a) long (b) short yarn threads, obtained during the making of wool.
Answer: The longer threads are usually knitted to make sweaters, mufflers, caps, gloves, socks, etc.
The shorter threads are woven to make woollen fabrics which are used for making coats, trousers, jackets and shawls, etc.
4. Write a short note on ‘rearing of silkworms’.
Answer: Rearing of silkworms: A female silk moth lays hundreds of eggs which are stored at a suitable temperature. These eggs produce silkworms which feed on fresh mulberry leaves for 25-30 days and grow in size.
They secrete a liquid which hardens on coming in contact with air and changes into a fine thread called silk which is made up of a protein. The caterpillar covers itself completely with these fine fibres. This covering is called as cocoon. The silkworm develops into a silk moth inside the cocoon.
5. Describe the different stages in the life cycle of a silk moth.
Answer: different stages in the life cycle of a silk moth are
Stage 1: Eggs: – An egg is the first stage of the life cycle of the silkworm. A female moth lays egg.
Stage 2: silkworms: – silkworm arises from the eggs. They feed on mulberry leaves for 25 – 30 days.
Stage 3: cocoon: – Silkworms secrete a liquid which hardens on coming in contact with air and changes into fine thread called silk. Silkworms covers itself with these threads changes into a silk moth inside it.
Stage 4: moth: –The female moth lays eggs and thus the life cycle of silkworm begins again.
thank you thanku thanku thanku soooooo much
Nice thanks
Thanks for this solution
Thanku so much
students who so ever are going through this just check out in your class wether the answers are same or not because i am also a student and all the teachers have combined Q – 4 and Q – 5 in the last last
Nice Good Well done Amazing Mind blowing
Thanks for the solution.
Thanks a lot sir
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