If you are looking for the DAV Class 7 Science Chapter 13 Solutions Weather, Climate and Adaptation of Animals then you are at right place. With the help of DAV class 7 solutions, you can easily grasp basic concepts better and faster. Moreover, it is a perfect guide to help you to score good marks in DAV school examination.
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DAV class 7 Science Chapter 13 Solutions Weather, Climate and Adaptation of Animals
DAV class 7 Science Chapter 13 Solutions Weather, Climate and Adaptation of Animals Question Answer is given below. Here class 7 Science Question Answer is provided with great explanation.
A. Fill in the blanks.
B. Match the following:
C. Tick the correct option.
D. Answer the following questions in brief.
E. Answer the following questions.
A. Fill in the blanks.
1. A common measure of humidity, used very often, is known as ___________.
2. ___________, ___________, ___________ and ___________ are different forms of precipitation.
3. ___________ are formed when water vapour, in air, condenses to liquid droplets or ice crystals.
4. The average weather of a place, taken over a period of 20-25 years, will specify its ___________.
5. Rajasthan falls in the ___________ climatic zone.
6. Penguins are different from other birds as they do not have ___________.
Answer: (1) relative humidity (2) Rain, drizzle, snowfall, hail (3) Clouds (4) climate (5) arid (6) hollow bones
B. Match the following:

Answer: (1) d, (2) c, (3) b, (4) e, (5) a
C. Tick the correct option.
(1) mountain
(2) polar regions
(3) hot and humid
(4) lion-tailed macaque
(5) the tassel at the end of its tail
D. Answer the following questions in brief.
1. List the main elements that determine the weather of a place.
Answer: Following elements determine the weather of a place: temperature, humidity, cloudiness, precipitation, wind and atmospheric pressure.
2. When are the maximum and minimum temperatures likely to occur during the day?
Answer: During the day, maximum temperature is during mid-afternoon and the minimum temperature is during early morning.
3. How can forecast, about a ‘clear sky, or an ‘approaching storm’ be made by measuring the atmospheric pressure of a given region?
Answer: Atmospheric pressure gives a good indication of oncoming weather. If atmospheric pressure is normal, it shows a calm day ahead. If atmospheric pressure is low, it indicates towards an oncoming storm.
4. Name the major climatic zones of India. Also mention the names of two states each, that fall in these zones.
Answer: The major climatic zones of India are Alpine zone (Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh), Sub-tropical zone (Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh), Tropical (West Bengal, Maharashtra), Arid (Rajasthan, Gujarat).
5. Mention two adaptive features of a penguin that help it in swimming.
Answer: Streamlined body and paddle like feet help a penguin in swimming.
6. State the function of sucker pads on the feet of the red-eyed frogs.
Answer: Sucker pads on the feet of red-eyed frogs help in climbing on tree.
E. Answer the following questions.
1. Differentiate between:
(a) Weather and climate
Answer: Weather is a short-term phenomenon, while climate is a long-term phenomenon. Weather is taken for a particular time, while climate is taken for at least 20-25 years.
(b) Climate in polar regions and in tropical rain forests.
Answer: The climate in polar regions is extremely cold and rainfall is scanty, while the climate in tropical rainforests is moderately hot with plenty of rainfall.
2. What is adaptation? Give one example each of behavioural and structural adaptations.
Answer: Adaptation is an ability of an animal which makes it suited to its environment. Some examples of adaptation are as follows:
Behavioural Adaptation: Moving in large groups is an example of behavioural adaptation. This helps in protecting the members of the group from predators.
Structural Adaptation: Polar bear has a thick coat of fur; which is an example of structural adaptation.
3. Mention any four adaptations that have helped the polar bear to survive in the Polar Region.
Answer: Four adaptations of polar bear are as follows:
(1) Thick coat of fur
(2) White fur
(3) Thick layer of fat under the skin and,
(4) Well developed sense of smell
4. Give reasons.
(a) Big cats have sharp teeth.
Answer: Sharp teeth help in tearing the flesh.
(b) Some monkeys have long prehensile tails.
Answer: Monkeys use their tail to hang on to a branch.
(c) Penguins do not have air spaces in their bones.
Answer: Lack of air space helps the penguin in sinking in water.
5. ‘The tropical rainforest has a large population of animals.’ Explain why it is so?
Answer: Tropical region has thick vegetation. This ensures plenty of food for a variety of animals. Due to this, tropical rainforest has a large population of animals.
6. How is the trunk useful to the elephant?
Answer: The trunk is very useful to the elephant. An elephant can uproot a tree with its trunk. It uses its trunk to drink water and to sprinkle water all over its body. It has a well-developed sense of smell which helps it in finding food and water.
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