If you are looking for DAV Class 7 English Literature Book Solutions Chapter 7 A Stormy Adventure by Nita Berry, then you are at right place. Here at SOLUTIONGYAN, DAV Class 7 English Solutions of chapter 7 A Stormy Adventure exercises provided at the end of the chapter will be a useful resource for Class 7 English exams.
Here, we provide complete solutions of DAV class 7 English chapter 7 A Stormy Adventure of English Literature book. These exercise of English chapter 7 contains 5 questions and the answers to them are provided in the DAV Class 7 English Literature Book Solutions Chapter 7 A Stormy Adventure.
Solutions of DAV Class 7 English chapter 7 A Stormy Adventure help to boost the writing skills of the students, along with their logical reasoning. Students can go through class 7 English Literature chapter 7 solutions to learn an effective way of expressing their answers in the exam.
DAV Class 7 English Chapter 7 A Stormy Adventure Solutions
DAV Class 7 English Literature Chapter 7 A Stormy Adventure Question Answer is given below. Here DAV Class 7 English Literature chapter 7 solutions is provided with great explanation.
DAV Solutions of Class 7 of English Literature Textbook is the best source for the students to self-analyse their performance. DAV Class 7 students are more likely to score good marks in English exam if they practise DAV Class 7 English Literature Book Solutions Chapter 7 A Stormy Adventure regularly.
DAV Class 7 English Literature Book Solutions Chapter 7
Understanding the Story
A. Complete the following statements by filling the blanks with one word only.
1. The name of the Captain of the Trishna was ___________.
2. The Trishna weighed ___________ tons.
3. Mr. Bose held the post of ___________ on the Trishna.
4. The boating Incident, where the boat that Vishal and his friends were travelling in developed a leak, happened in ___________.
Answer: (1) Captain Kumar (2) 8000 (3) Chief Engineer (4) Okhla.
B. Answer the following questions in not more than 30 words.
1. Where was the Trishna going? Why was it going there?
Answer: Trishna was going to Philippines. It was going there with a cargo of food for the people of small islands in the South China Sea, as it was Struck by typhoon.
2. Why was Captain Kumar worried?
Answer: Captain Kumar was worried because barometer had fallen steeply, which was the indicator of the bad weather conditions.
3. What was the effect of bad weather on the Trishna?
Answer: High waves rolled the ship mercilessly. Some of the cargo was damaged and the gangway broken loose. A steel angle of the gangway had pierced the ship side and Water started entering the engine room.
4. What suggestion did Vishal have to offer to his father?
Answer: Vishal suggested his father to tilt the ship to one side to expose the leakage, so that, it could be easier to plug the hole.
5. How was the Trishna saved?
Answer: Trishna was tilted to one side and the hole was blocked with a wooden plug by using cement. It was risky but finally the Trishna was saved.
C. In the story ‘A Stormy Adventure’, some situations and actions lead to certain results. Complete the table given below by writing in appropriate columns the action or the result that the given situations produced.

Do you think it was easy for Captain Kumar to accept the risky suggestion given by Vishal? What might be going on in his mind? Why do you think he finally accepted the suggestion?
Answer: I don’t think it was easy for Captain Kumar to accept the risky suggestion given by Vishal because the storm was at its peak. But he still accepted it because water had entered the engine room. He was in the situation of ‘do or die’ as there was no other way left to save Trishna.
Life Skills
You’re quite a seaman really……’ says the Chief Officer about Vishal. Would you call Vishal a seaman? Give reasons.
Answer: Yes, Vishal was really a seaman. Like every human being, he also got frightened. But, the very next moment, he gathered all his courage, went to his father and suggested an idea to save Trishna.
Imagine that the ship you are travelling in gets caught in bad weather. How would you react? Would you be frightened, anxious or excited? How could you be of help to others in such a situation?
Answer: I would try not to lose my courage and remain calm as Vishal. I would help others and also try to think of the solutions according to the situation.
Writing Skills
Imagine yourself to be Vishal. Write an article for the school magazine describing your adventurous journey.
An Adventurous Journey By: Vishal
This summer, I along with my sister accompanied my father on his voyage to Philippines with a cargo of food for the victims of typhoon, on the small islands of South China Sea. We were enjoying the journey. All of a sudden, we heard the news of bad weather.
The barometer had fallen steeply. Rohini started feeling seasick. Typhoon Elsie was deepening in a north-westerly direction and coming towards us at a high speed. The Ship rose high with mountain like high waves and tossed down mercilessly.
The gangway was broken loose and its steel angle had pierced the ship-side. Water started entering the engine room. The crew members tried to plug the hole but all in vain. I was also scared but then an idea came to my mind. I suggested my father to tilt the ship to one side to expose the leakage. It was risky but we were in the situation of ‘do or die’.
So, the crew members worked over it and finally succeeded to save Trishna. My father praised me. It was really an adventurous journey which made me more courageous. Now, I would like to share that courage and presence of mind can take us out of any bad or difficult situation.
Thanks for the help! (≡^∇^≡)
Thank you for help
Very nice
Its very helpful ????????
The answer of values should be this :
I’d feel a mix of anxiety and determination. Staying calm, I’d assist others by providing reassurance, helping secure belongings, and following safety protocols, ensuring we all remain focused and ready to navigate the situation together.
But the answers are good but very short . I request to the owner of this website to make answers long and add my values answer.
Thanks for reading