If you are looking for DAV Class 7 English Literature Book Solutions Chapter 1 Monkey Trouble, then you are at right place. Here DAV Class 7 English Solutions of chapter 1 Monkey Trouble exercises provided at the end of the chapter will be a useful resource for Class 7 English Literature Exams.
Here at SOLUTIONGYAN, we provide complete solutions of DAV class 7 English chapter 1 of English Literature Book. These exercise of chapter 1 Monkey Trouble contains 5 questions and the answers to them are provided in the DAV Class 7 English Literature Book Solutions Chapter 1 Monkey Trouble.

Solutions of DAV Class 7 English chapter 1 Monkey Trouble help to boost the writing skills of the students, along with their logical reasoning. Students can go through class 7 English Literature chapter 1 solutions to learn an effective way of expressing their answers in the exam.
DAV Class 7 English Chapter 1 Monkey Trouble Solutions
DAV Class 7 English Literature Question Answer Chapter 1 Monkey Trouble is given below. Here DAV Class 7 English Literature chapter 1 solutions is provided with great explanation.
DAV Solutions of Class 7 of English Literature Textbook is the best source for the students to self-analyse their performance. DAV Class 7 students are more likely to score good marks in English exam if they practise DAV Class 7 English Literature Book Solutions Chapter 1 Monkey Trouble regularly.
DAV Class 7 English Literature Book Solutions Chapter 1
Understanding the Story
A. Some statements based on the story are given below. Tick (T) for true statements and (F) for false statements. Rewrite the false statements after making corrections.
1. The street entertainer who sold Tutu had three other monkeys.
Answer: False, the street entertainer who sold Tutu had two other monkeys.
2. Rocky often gave chocolates and walnuts to the narrator.
Answer: False, Rocky often gave chocolates and cashew nuts to the narrator.
3. Rocky took Aunt Ruby to a jeweller’s shop for buying an engagement ring.
Answer: True
4. Tutu followed the narrator to the jeweller’s shop without being noticed.
Answer: True
5. Tutu put some herbs and spices in the wedding cake.
Answer: False, Tutu put some red chilli sauce, bitter gourd seeds, and a lot of egg-shells in the wedding cake.
B. Answer the following questions in not more than 30 words each.
1. How was Grandmother convinced to keep Tutu as a pet?
Answer: Grandmother had always wanted a little girl in the house. She believed girls were less troublesome than boys. When she came to know that Tutu was a little girl monkey, she was convinced to keep her as a pet.
2. Why did the narrator follow Aunt Ruby and Rocky secretly to the jeweller’s shop? What reason did Tutu have for following them?
Answer: As Aunt Ruby did not want to take along the narrator for shopping, the narrator secretly followed them. When Tutu came to know that something important was going to take place, she decided to follow the narrator.
3. Why did the people in the bazaar chase Tutu?
Answer: The people in bazaar chased Tutu because she had run away with a pearl necklace.
4. What did Tutu do with the necklace? How was it restored to the shopkeeper?
Answer: Tutu flung the necklace in a small canal nearby. Rocky dived into the canal, traced the necklace and returned it to the shopkeeper.
5. Why do you think some guests were not seen for several days after the marriage?
Answer: Tutu had added red chilli sauce, bitter gourd seeds, and a lot of egg-shells in the wedding cake. The guests must have fallen ill after eating that cake.
C. The sentences below give an account of the menace that Tutu created in the bazaar, but the sentences are jumbled. Rearrange them by writing appropriate serial number in the box provided against each sentence. The opening sentence is given.
Tutu followed Aunt Ruby and Rocky secretly to the jeweller’s shop.
- (a) Rocky, the jeweller and several people in the market followed her.
- (b) Titu leapt on the back of a scooterist.
- (c) She slipped into the shop without being noticed.
- (d) Tutu rushed out into the market.
- (e) Tutu took the road leading to the narrator’s house.
- (f) She then landed on a donkey which panicked and rushed down the road.
- (g) She threw the necklace into a canal.
- (h) Aunt Ruby and the jeweller saw her and tried to grab the necklace.
- (i) Rocky dived into the canal, traced the necklace and returned it to the shopkeeper.
- (j) She took a pearl necklace and put it round her neck.
Answer: (a) 5, (b) 6, (c) 1, (d) 4, (e) 8, (f) 7, (g) 9, (h) 3, (i) 10, (j) 2.
Some animals have a sharp mind. They amaze us by their actions. Do you think they are able to think in the right direction? Why/Why not?
Answer: To some extent animals can think and they also have feelings of love and emotions, but it doesn’t mean that they are always able to think in right direction. It’s only humans who have developed their minds to such an extent that they can take right decisions.
Life Skills
Do you like Tutu? If given a chance, would you like to keep her as a pet?
Answer: Yes, I liked Tutu in the story, but I don’t like her to be my pet because she is mischievous and can cause damage to my belongings.
The narrator decided to secretly follow Aunt Ruby and her fiance Rocky to the market. Is he justified in doing that?
Answer: No, the narrator was not justified in secretly following Aunt Ruby and her fiance Rocky to the market because she has made it clear that she did not want him around. Moreover, it was because of him that Tutu followed them and caused a lot of mess at the jeweler’s shop.
Writing Skills
Tutu took a pearl necklace from a Jeweller’s shop and created a huge mess in the market before finally throwing it into a canal. The Jeweller felt quite tense about the whole episode. Write the jeweller’s diary entry describing how he felt at Tutu’s mischief.
Saturday, 18 December 2021
8:00 Pm
Dear Diary,
I had never thought in my life that such an incident would occur in my life. My heart beats at faster speed when the picture of that mischievous monkey appears before me. I was busy showing some jewellery to customers when a monkey, named Tutu came inside my shop and took a pearl necklace and created a huge mess in the market before throwing it into a canal.
I thought I wouldn’t be able to get it back, but the effort of my customer, Mr. Rockey brought it back. He dived into the canal, traced the necklace and returned it to me. I wouldn’t be able to forget this incident my life.
Very very helpful please give me link of chapter 2
all chapters are already uploaded
Yes sir ☺️
Ok sir
Unbelievable excellent out standing ????????????????????????????
Very useful
Is there solutions for English reader, if it is please share the link.
No l haven’t
A lot of Thanks to Solution Gyan.
Im already preparing for my seventh standard studies but, as a student of D.A.V i would like to make some changes, that according to D.A.V formats students don’t write dear diary in ‘diary entry’. But still a fabulous website for Student Support and Help.
It help me a lot, thanks solutiongyan
To good answers my teacher was very happy.Too see these answers.And if I absent and my eng work was left is see this link and i told my friends also
Nice, ch monkey trouble
This sight is really useful I liked it it has small answers in comparison to the answers done in the school
It is easy to learn small answers than the big one …thanks
It was so useful thx my exam was coming soon and I am absent that time when this all written that one day.thx 1000 time thx you all are seeing this then it was so useful
Very helpful website ????????
Very good Work. WE ARE ABLE TO STUDY
Very good website ???? it helped a lot
Thank you solution Gyan
Very short answers easy to learn.
Thanks a lot, solutiongyan.
Thanku solution Gyan for this support i really like you
Love it but the diary entry should be big and we don’t have to write ‘dear diary’