DAV Class 6 SST Chapter 1 Question Answer The Planet Earth and the Solar System explores the exercises, given in the textbook “We and Our World Book”. These DAV Class 6 SST Solutions of the exercises provided at the end of the chapter will be a useful resource for school exams. Here at solutiongyan, we provide complete solutions of DAV class 6 Social Science Geography We and Our World Book.
The exercise contains 5 questions and the answers to them are provided in the DAV Class 6 SST Chapter 1 Question Answer The Planet Earth and the Solar System. Question Answer of DAV Class 6 Social Science help to boost the writing skills of the students, along with their logical reasoning. Students can go through these class 6 sst solutions to learn an effective way of expressing their answers in the exam.
Dav Class 6 SST Chapter 1 The Planet Earth and the Solar System
DAV Class 6 SST Book Question Answer Chapter 1 The Planet Earth and the Solar System is given below. Here DAV Class 6 social science chapter 1 solutions is provided with great explanation.
- Tick the correct option
- Fill in the blanks
- Match the following
- Answer the following questions in brief
- Answer the following questions
These DAV Solutions For Class 6 SST is also the best source for the students to self-analyse their performance. DAV Class 6 students are more likely to score more marks in the school exams if they practise these solutions regularly.
A. Tick the correct option.
1. What do we call a huge cluster of billions of stars?
Answer: galaxy
2. Which one of the following is the hottest planet?
Answer: Venus
3. Which is the most distant planet from the Sun?
Answer: Neptune
4. The planet which does not have any satellite is-
Answer: Venus
5. Which planet has two satellites?
Answer: Mars
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. The vast limitless space which includes all celestial bodies is called ___________.
2. The distance between celestial bodies is measured in a unit called ___________.
3. ___________ always indicates the north direction.
4. All the planets of our solar system revolve round the Sun in their fixed paths called ___________.
5. ___________ is the third nearest planet to the Sun.
Answer: (1) universe (2) light year (3) Pole star (4) orbits (5) Earth
C. Match the following:

Answer: (1) D, (2) C, (3) A, (4) E, (5) B.
D. Answer the following questions in brief.
1. What are celestial bodies?
Answer: All the objects in the sky which appear similar to us are called celestial bodies. e.g., sun, moon, stars.
2. Why do stars look very small in the sky?
Answer: Stars look very small in the sky because they are very far away from us.
3. What is ‘Saptarishi Mandal’?
Answer: In India the seven stars a part of great bear is called Saptarishi Mandal.
4. Name the planets which are gaseous bodies.
Answer: Jupiter and Saturn have gaseous bodies.
5. Which planet is the closest to Neptune?
Answer: Uranus is closest to Neptune.
E. Answer the following questions.
1. Describe the formation of solar system.
Answer: The sun and its companion celestial bodies constitute the Solar system. The eight planets their companion satellites, asteroids, metros and comets are the members of solar system. They all revolve around the sun on the fixed paths called orbits.
2. State three features which make the earth a unique planet.
Answer: Three features which make the earth a unique planet are:
- Right distance from the sun.
- An environment of air around the earth.
- Presence of moderate heat, light and water.
3. Mention three main characteristics of a satellite.
Answer: Three main characteristics of a satellite are:
- They are heavenly bodies.
- They don’t have their own heat and light.
- They revolve around their respective planet.
4. Give a brief description on the Phases of Moon with the help of a diagram.
Answer: The phases of the Moon are the different ways the Moon looks from Earth over about a month.
At first the moon appears in crescent shape, gradually in eighth day we can see half-moon and on the 15th day we can see full moon called Purnima. Similarly, first day we can see hidden crescent shape, gradually in 8th day we can see half hidden moon and 15th completely hidden called Amavasya.

5. Write a short note on the other celestial bodies (asteroids, meteoroids and comets) in the solar system.
Asteroids- Asteroids are rocky, space objects that orbit our Sun. These can be a few feet wide to several hundred miles wide. Asteroid can only be seen through large telescope.
Meteoroid- Meteoroids are little chunks of rock and debris in space. They become meteors or shooting stars when they fall through the earth’s atmosphere, leaving a bright trail as they are heated by the friction of the atmosphere.
Comets- Comets are the small bodies with a head and long luminous tail. They are made up of dust and frozen gases. They appear in the sky after a long period.
yes true
Thank you for this question answer because tomorrow is my test class test
So nice website
This is very useful for DAV students bot the answer of some questions are long do short answer ???? please
Thank you for this question answer
I like this but some are very short answer
Thank you very much
Thaam you so much
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Very good nice sir thanks ☺️????
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My name is Riya Raman
Verry nice
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Satyam k yadav
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My name is Ayush Roy
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Thank you sir for your help
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