DAV Class 6 English Literature Book Solutions Chapter 1 How Daddy Decided What He Wanted to Be are the most reliable and accurate solutions created by the experts at Solutiongyan. These DAV Class 6 English solutions will help students to prepare well and face the English exam with full confidence. The DAV Solutions of Class 6 English Literature have been solved by our experts to provide the best-in-class solutions for DAV Class 6 students.

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DAV Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 1 How Daddy Decided What He Wanted to Be
DAV Class 6 English Literature Book Solutions Chapter 1 How Daddy Decided What He Wanted to Be is given below. Here DAV Class 6 English Literature Chapter 1 Question Answer is provided with great explanation.
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A. Little Daddy wanted to pursue various professions. Complete the table below citing one reason for his choice of these professions:
Daddy wanted to be a/an Reason
1. nightwatchman- so that he can wake up at night and make noise
2. ice-cream man- so that he can eat all the ice-cream and treat little children with free ice-cream.
3. shunter- so that he can jump over the platform and crawl under the car. He also wanted to play with cars and locomotives.
4. shepherd- he wanted to spend his days walking with cows and crack his whip loudly.
5. dog- so that he can walk on all fours, he wanted to bark, bite and scratch behind his ear with his foot.
B. Answer the following questions briefly:
1. Why did Daddy want to be a night watchman?
Ans: Daddy wanted to be a night watchman because he thought that he could make a noise when everyone was sleeping.
2. What was Daddy’s plea in favour of being an ice-cream seller? How did his parents react to it?
Ans: Daddy’s plea in a favour of being an ice cream seller was that he could eat as much ice cream as he liked, he could distribute the ice cream to the little children free of cost.
His parents were very surprised when they heard that their son wanted to be an ice-cream seller.
3. What efforts did Daddy put in to be a dog?
Ans: Daddy put in all his efforts to be a dog. He practiced a lot how to walk on all four Limbs, how to bark at strangers and even practiced how to scratch behind his ear with his foot.
4. Why was Daddy ashamed of himself after meeting the officer?
Ans: Daddy was ashamed of himself after meeting the officer because he came to know that he could not change his mind every day. He also realised that he was too small to know what he wanted to be.
5. What did Daddy finally decide to be when he grew up?
Answer: Daddy finally decided to become a good human being.
Why do little children keep changing their mind every now and then?
Ans: Little children keep changing their mind every now and then because they are not matured enough to decide about their future.
Life Skills
A. Discuss with your partner what is the right age to decide what you wish to be when you grow up. What are the advantages of making an early decision?
Ans: In my opinion, the age of 13 to 14 is perfect to decide what we wish to be when we grow up. The advantage of making an early decision is that if we are certain of our goals then we will be more focused and attentive towards our ambition and will definitely be successful in our life.
B. Is it practically possible (or even desirable) to practise two or three professions simultaneously? Discuss.
Ans: No, it is not practically possible (or even desirable) to practice two or three professions simultaneously because it is very difficult to focus on different works at same time.
First of all, you should be a good human being. What according to you should be the traits of a good human being?
Ans: The traits of a good human being should be that he must not hurt or disrespect anyone and he should be always ready to help the needy and he should always be honest in his duties.
Writing Skills
After meeting the officer. Daddy feels ashamed of himself. He makes a resolution. Imagine yourself to be Daddy and write a dairy entry expressing your feelings.
Wednesday, 27 Oct 2021
9:00 PM
Dear Diary,
I always used to keep changing my mind. I was never sure that what I actually wanted to be in my life. I wanted to be a nightwatchman, ice-cream seller, shunter, turner and even a dog Today, when I was acting like a dog. I met an officer and I realised that I couldn’t change my mind everyday. I really felt very ashamed of myself. So, as a resolution, I decided to be a good human being at first.
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