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DAV Class 5 Science Chapter 12 Question Answer Observing the Sky

If you are looking for DAV Class 5 Science Chapter 12 Question Answer Observing the Sky, then you are at right place. Here at SOLUTIONGYAN, DAV Class 5 Science solutions of chapter 12 Observing the Sky exercises provided at the end of the chapter will be a useful resource for Class 5 DAV students.

Here, we provide complete solutions of DAV Class 5 Science Chapter 12 Observing the Sky of My Living World science book. These exercise of Science chapter 12 Observing the Sky contains 5 questions and the answers to them are provided in the DAV Class 5 Science Chapter 12 Question Answer Observing the Sky.

DAV Class 5 Science Chapter 12 Question Answer Observing the Sky
Chapter 12 Observing the Sky

Solutions of DAV Class 5 Science chapter 12 Observing the Sky help to boost the writing skills of the students, along with their logical reasoning. Students can go through class 5 Science chapter 12 question answers to learn an effective way of expressing their answers in the exam.

DAV Class 5 Science Chapter 12 Observing the Sky Solutions

DAV Class 5 Science Chapter 12 Observing the Sky Solutions is given below. Here DAV Class 5 Science chapter 12 Observing the Sky solutions is provided with great explanation.


DAV Solutions of Class 5 of My Living World Science Textbook is the best source for the students to self-analyse their performance. DAV Class 5 students are more likely to score good marks in Science exam if they practise DAV Class 5 Science Chapter 12 Question Answer Observing the Sky regularly.

DAV Class 5 Science Chapter 12 Question Answer

1. A group of stars that appear to form a pattern in the sky is known as a ___________.

2. A planet is ___________ to us than the stars.

3. The planets are also known as ___________.

4. The pole star defines the ___________direction.

5. Stars ___________ but planets do not ___________.

Answer: (1) constellation (2) closer (3) wandering star (4) north (5) twinkle,twinkle.

DAV Class 5 Science Chapter 12 Question Answer
Match the following

Answer: (1) c, (2) e, (3) d, (4) b, (5) a.

1. The planet that can be (sometimes) seen in the evening sky, even with unaided eye, is-

Answer: (c) Mercury

2. The two stars, at the top of Ursa Major, are called-

Answer: (d) Pointers

3. The Cassiopeia is-

Answer: (d) a constellation visible in autumn.

4. From the following, the object in the sky, that (apparently) moves least in a given time is-

Answer: (a) North Star

5. The brightest planet in the night sky is-

Answer: (b) Venus

6. On closely observing some bright stars, for some hours, one finds that stars appear to move from-

Answer: (a) east to west

1. Why do, we usually not see the stars during the day?

Answer: we usually not see the stars during the day because of the brightness of the sun.

2. In which part of the sky are we likely to find Venus when it is visible as an evening star?

Answer: west direction.

3. State the cause of the apparent motion of the sun from east to west?

Answer: The cause of the apparent motion of the sun from east to west is because of the rotation of the earth on its axis from west to east.

4. Name the special star in the northern hemisphere. Why has it been useful for travellers?

Answer: Pole star or Dhruvtara is a special star present in the northern hemisphere.

This star, unlike other stars, appears to remain fixed at one place. Because of this special feature, this star has been useful to travellers.

1. Define the term ‘constellation’.

Answer: A constellation is a group of stars that appears to form some recognisable pattern or shape in the sky.

2. In what respects is, the pole star, different from other stars?

Answer: Pole star appears to remain fixed at one place while the other stars change their position in the night sky.

3. Write two points of difference between a planet and a star.

Answer: two points of difference between a planet and a star is given below:

Planets do not twinkle.Stars appear to twinkle.
A planet is closer to us than the stars.Stars are very far from us as compare to planets.
difference between

4. Why do stars appear to slightly shift their position in the night sky?

Answer: Stars appear to slightly shift their position in the night sky due to the rotation of earth on its axis from west to east.

5. Why do stars appear as points to us?

Answer: Stars are very far from us. Hence, they appear as points to us.

17 thoughts on “DAV Class 5 Science Chapter 12 Question Answer Observing the Sky”

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