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DAV Class 7 English Literature Book Solutions Chapter 5 I Dream a World

If you are looking for DAV Class 7 English Literature Book Solutions Chapter 5 I Dream a World by Langston Hughes, then you are at right place. Here at SOLUTIONGYAN, DAV Class 7 English Solutions of chapter 5 I Dream a World exercises provided at the end of the chapter will be a useful resource for Class 7 English exams.

Here, we provide complete solutions of DAV class 7 English chapter 5 I Dream a World of English Literature book. These exercise of chapter 5 contains 5 questions and the answers to them are provided in the DAV Class 7 English Literature Book Solutions Chapter 5 I Dream a World.

Solutions of DAV Class 7 English chapter 5 I Dream a World help to boost the writing skills of the students, along with their logical reasoning. Students can go through class 7 English Literature chapter 5 solutions by Langston Hughes to learn an effective way of expressing their answers in the exam.

DAV Class 7 English Chapter 5 I Dream a World Solutions

DAV Class 7 English Literature Chapter 5 I Dream a World Question Answer is given below. Here DAV Class 7 English Literature chapter 5 solutions is provided with great explanation.


DAV Solutions of Class 7 of English Literature Textbook is the best source for the students to self-analyse their performance. DAV Class 7 students are more likely to score good marks in English exam if they practise DAV Class 7 English Literature Book Solutions Chapter 5 I Dream a World regularly.

DAV Class 7 English Literature Book Solutions Chapter 5

A. On the basis of your understanding of the poem, complete the following summary.

In the poet’s dream world, no man will scorn others. The earth will be blessed by love and peace will prevail everywhere. There will be no difference between black and white. Everybody will be able to experience joy and happiness. Man will not be spiritually weakened by greed. Avarice will not make human life miserable. People will share the bounties of the earth equally. Misery will be banished.

B. Read the following extract from the poem and answer the questions that follow.

And joy, like a pearl,

Attend the needs of all mankind.

(a) What has joy been compared to?

Answer: Joy has been compared to pearl.

(b) What is the significance of this comparison?

Answer: The comparison suggests that when joy comes in people’s lives, it should remain there forever, just like the pearl, which does not erode easily.

C. Personification is a literary device in which objects or qualities are represented as human beings. What qualities have been personified in the following expressions?

(a) love will bless the earth

Answer: love

(b) wretchedness will hang its head

Answer: wretchedness

Which word/words in each expression suggests/suggest that the quality has been personified?

Answer: (a)bless, (b)hang

D. Word Power

A few phrases from the text have been placed in Column A with their meanings in Column B in a jumbled form. Match the phrases in Column A with their appropriate meanings in Column B.

DAV Class 7 English Literature Book Solutions Chapter 5 I Dream a World
Match the phrases

Answer: (a) 2, (b) 4, (c) 5, (d) 1, (e) 3.

The poet has described some features of his dream world. Work in groups of four or five and make a list of the steps that need to be taken to translate the poet’s dream into reality.

Answer: These are the following steps that need to be taken to translate the poet’s dream into reality:

  • We should not discriminate anyone on the basis of caste, colour, creed, or religion.
  • We should live in peace or harmony.
  • There should be no greed.
  • Everybody should have right to enjoy their freedom.
  • Everybody should help each other.

A new child has joined your class. He is black. No one wants to befriend him. You feel concerned for him. How will you ensure that he gradually becomes a part of your class?

Answer: First of all. I introduce myself to him and try to do friendship. I help him in understanding the rules and regulation of the class. I help him in completing his left lessons. I share my lunch. I also ensure the students of my class not to misbehave with him; Afterall he is also a human being like us. He should be treated equally.

Greed and avarice are two human vices we need to shun. Do you agree? If yes, how do you think we can ensure that we do not fall victims to such vices?

Answer: Yes, I agree with the fact that greed and avarice are two negative qualities we need to shun. We can ensure that we do not fall victims to such qualities by listening to our inner voice. The inner voice always guides us in the right direction. We should try to become generous. We should try to earn money as it is essential in order to fulfill the requirement of our families, but we should not earn it by wrong means. We should always be honest towards our duty.

Write a paragraph on the topic ‘Man was born free but everywhere he is in chains’ in about 80-100 words.


Man was born free but everywhere he is in chains

Man is a social animal, who is a part of family, society and community. He has to play many roles in his life, like a son, brother, father, uncle, grandfather, etc. He is bound of rules and regulations of his cultures and society. He is not free at all. For example, a child has to do what the parents say; he has to obey his teachers. In a family, a husband has to earn, a wife has to cook and take care of the home and children. What do all these things mean, a man was born free but everywhere he is in chains.

14 thoughts on “DAV Class 7 English Literature Book Solutions Chapter 5 I Dream a World”

  1. I really appreciate to this website because I completed all my Question answers of English literature so thankyou very much solution gyan

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